
Can’t wait for the wide body edition - the fat e. 

It’s GROVEL spelled backwards.

How much to replace that front lip spoiler that will invariably get broken on day one of use in pothole town USA?

I’ll never understand why the 2 companies that brought hybrid electric cars to the mainstream bet against electric cars.

really? too lazy to even vacuum out the engine bay?

I’m in RI. Feel free to drag me up some rust free stuff. We can start with a Subaru Brat.

I’m familiar with Subaru and quite comfortable working on them. They are fun, cheap, have tons of interchange, plentiful used parts available, dead simple, and the head gaskets were really only an issue on the early 2.5. 

A sub-$3k Subaru will be considerably shittier than a sub-$3k [a lot of other cars].

Nissan has a magical ability to check off all the right boxes and still get it all wrong.

You’re tired of daily driving a shitbox, so you’re going to look for a ‘decent’ car. And you’re looking at under $3K shitboxes. lol

Maybe if we tell everyone it starred Thor and Zemo, they’ll go see it.

Dafuq is that guy wearing? Is he going to a costume party?

I’ll call Malcom Bricklin. I’m sure he can work something out.

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It’s a well-known fact that driving an electric car turns you into a bisexual vegan.

Tell them you’re a big and famous star. Also, if they ask you if you know John Elway, just say yes.

Imperial gallons?

If you own a soft top convertible, then you should know not to bother locking the car. A slashed top will cost more than anything that I would leave in the car.

If that thing drove by me right now, I wouldn’t even know if it were new or a 2010 model.

I’m not looking forward to the upcoming electric car hell