So your privacy is more important than preventing cops from murdering innocent civilians? Get over yourself.
So your privacy is more important than preventing cops from murdering innocent civilians? Get over yourself.
Why the FUCK are they even able to turn their fucking body-cams off?
It’s tricky to claim he fit the description of the shooter if there was no shooter.
Fit the description of what? The police didn’t even know what happened.
With his weapon drawn and pointed at a man face down on the ground and handcuffed. Truly our officers are so brave!
Dan Lebatard was talking about this earlier today, and the texters that responded to the story were as vile as ever. Didn’t think a video supporting (not that a video needed to exist to support his story) the story would come out so quick.
Mini just needs to put the engine where the rear seats were. Then they would have something.
He started hot, but Saban adjusted. Meanwhile this play was maybe the 25th time Francois got clobbered while in an empty backfield. The punishment he took was unreal. Meanwhile Jimbo didn’t change a single fucking thing. Ran the same shit over and over again. I can understand not changing it just because it wasn’t…
They are for mail, my mail man drives a RHD wrangler.
Am I missing something here because this just sounds super super dumb from all aspects. Two teams can’t agree to work around a difficult situation, so the compromise is a solution that’s worse for both teams had they just given into the other’s demands? Game theory can’t explain how dumb this is. Two rival 7 year old…
Why couldn’t all the games just be played in Arlington? Arlington could accept Houston tickets as entry. Half of Houston is displaced right now anyway, a lot of them in the Dallas area. I bet those people would love to go watch a cheap “home” Astro’s game.
Honest question- Why did the Astros prefer to play in Tampa rather than taking the offer the Rangers made of giving them the proceeds and home team status in Arlington? Obviously it wasn’t great, but playing in Tampa still means the Astros are going to Arlington in September. Tampa doesn’t change that- it just means…
Could be rotating triangle?
Wait, is the screen behind a little door? Or does it blend in with the wood and piano black trim that perfectly to display those gauges? Because if it’s blending, that is amazing.
Here’s a suggestion for you, Steven. When you see the word “Trump” in a headline, even when you think it might just be the verb, don’t click on the article. The president is deliberately trying to start a second civil war in the US right now, so his actions are relevant for society to discuss, no matter the forum.…
They should follow the guidelines handed down after a scientific study of likelihood of floods in that area. There will be another 500 year flood in the next ten years, because climate change is a fact instead of needing more research to be proven.