The only surprising thing here is that this was written by someone other than David Tracy.
The only surprising thing here is that this was written by someone other than David Tracy.
I’ll never understand you guys! When we review a car we hate, we’re being negative for clicks and don’t know anything about cars. When we review something we like, we’re obviously being paid by the manufacturer.
If you really think Putin will play by the rules, as well as China, I have this sweet bridge in Brooklyn I’m looking to sell, real cheap.
I was.pissed they shot that skull. Yeah let’s just fuck up one of the greatest things in history.
man i cracked the fuck up when the fireballs started. it’s like ryu was just off screen...SHORYUKEN...SHORYUKEN...SHORYUKEN...
I liked the episode, but the naval battle bothered me for several reasons:
I hope our brave FIRST RESPONDER (ret.) was not injured while bravely defending our freedom!
Oh Florida.
Youre blocking my driveway, so let me destroy the tires, so you cant move from blocking my drive way. Makes sense...
Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.
At least the truck stood its ground...
There’s always “that guy” on a motorcycle article....Since you insist on being that guy, here’s your song:
To add to the breakdown of the head-to-head provided by muwarror608:
But the 23-14 record is skewed by the 13-2 on clay by Nadal. On other surfaces the record is 12-10 Federer.
As crazy as it might sound, there isn’t a single player in the league you could offer Golden State who’d they take over Klay.
I’m not willing to go Charles Barkley-level crazy here and proclaim him as the flatout best player on the Warriors but I not only agree that Thompson is a better fit for the Warriors than a player like George but I really believe the key points mentioned here- his knockdown shooting, off the ball movement and…
Thompson’s not only the better shooter and perimeter defender, he’s also a lot less concerned with being The Guy than George seems to be. His personality is a big part of what makes Golden State’s system work. Obviously, they were right not to trade him for Love, and they’re right not to trade him for George either.
Planes have to land there too. You do not want a concrete barrier in the way if one comes in a little low.
One can only hope that Judge will inspire a generation of hulking young men to play baseball instead of destroying their brains by playing football.