
“Impressive!” - Jaime Moyer

Rings are awarded to whoever gets the most triple doubles. Haven’t you been reading Deadspin this season?

NBA team payrolls 2016/2017

Yeah Lebron won all his championships with ‘built’ not ‘bought’ teams. Stop it you sound foolish as fuck. He started the super team, super building, by free agency. And now that it has happened to him it’s a problem?

By this standard other than the 2015 Warriors who was the last “built” title team- Cleveland bought Lebron and then poached Love, the Celtics traded for Allen and Garnett, the Lakers for Pau, any subsequent Spurs title has Lamarcus- what maybe the 2011 Mavs or 2014 Spurs?

I’ve never seen this many Dragon Ball Z references on Deadspin.

At this rate? Impossible.

No, it appears you weren’t watching the same game.

You’re being annoyingly pedantic.

Uh huh. Football games are typically four quarter affairs. A three point game is in fact “that close.”

The score was 34-31 and the 49ers had four plays inside the 10 to end the game. What in God’s name are you talking about?

“Gamgee’s rink was based on a concrete surface, with layers of earth, cow hair and timber planks,” Craig writes. Atop this substrate sandwich ran copper pipes that carried Gamgee’s special solution of glycerine, ether, nitrogen peroxide and water. Water was poured over the pipes and, similar to how modern

I read the Smithsonian piece, but I still don’t get how this rink was actually made. I mean, did the ingredients just harden enough to skate on? Was it slick because it was greasy? If you fell did you ruin your outfit? And what about “ice shavings?” Did they have a Kitchen-Aid Zamboni for this monstrosity?

Kyrie is a shitty and dumb defender. He’s going to make mistakes like that multiple times a game. He’s like Deon Waiters (pre-Heat), but on defense.

My biggest take away from the game was “holy shit, the Warriors are going to try to run Lebron into the ground.” Dude was out there for the WHOLE GAME. Who’s supposed to give him some rest? It’s one thing to do it against teams that have one or two good players, and have to put the scrubs in at some point, but

You should just be hoping for a game 5. At this point, not letting the Warriors run 16-0 through the playoffs would be a win for the Cavs.

I don’t care about KD. I don’t care about Rihanna. Jeff Van Gundy, though? That man is a goddamn delight.

I know I’m supposed to root against the Warriors for ... reasons? But they play beautiful basketball on both ends of the court (even in a sloppy game like tonight’s), they have a chance to make history (again), and I’d like to see KD get a ring, so, sorry; the heart wants what it wants. I hope GSW sweeps.

Cleveland’s strategy of “Let KD dunk all over us” may have been ill advised.

I’m mostly shocked that, because Texas, no one else at the dealership was packing and turned this into an even worse situation.