Ha! I have two black friends here in Boston who are stand-ups and both have had shows interrupted by the “Hey, the Irish were slaves too!” guys, including one who said they had it worse.
Ha! I have two black friends here in Boston who are stand-ups and both have had shows interrupted by the “Hey, the Irish were slaves too!” guys, including one who said they had it worse.
I know in European soccer whole teams will just walk off the pitch if they are subjected to racial abuse. That would be awesome to see a whole MLB team walk off, and would send a message.
That’s a shame. Marc Methot sends his regards.
Sad how soft modern hockey players have become.
Ok as long as you are ok with playing favorites, the NHL should be too. I mean why even try to treat people the same? What’s really the point?
Upon watching the replay 17 more times, I have convinced myself there was no malice in anything and Pittsburgh can fuck off. Go employ Matt Cooke again you pansies!
I mean good for them. Lifetime ban for anyone caught pulling that bullshit would be nice. And fans need to police themselves. If some chucklefuck is screaming racist shit, tell an usher immediately. Do you really want America to group you in with the worst parts of your sports fandom?
You, sir (ma’am?), are a rare breed. I know many people who root for Pittsburgh sports teams, but rarely are they so level-headed as to not believe something like this is a league-wide conspiracy to hold them down.
Pens fan: I didn’t think Niskanen deserved the major, nor does he deserve a suspension for it. It’s one of those freak, shitty things that could happen at any time.
I thought the misconduct was a surprise, honestly, but the refs viewed it full-speed on ice-level. Watching replays (over, and over, and over...), I don’t have the impression Niskanen did more than get his hands up to block Crosby flying at him after Ovechkin’s hit- and if it had just been that and Crosby got hurt,…
I ran it over my wrist to make sure it wouldn’t burn the baby’s mouth
“But sometimes it’s OK to throw your hands up and say shit’s complex, I’m glad it isn’t my job to make this decision.”
I don’t fucking care if saying this makes me an asshole! I think this kind of lukewarm take is fine I guess!
“Would you like a hot take?”
It’s been a while since we’ve seen Sidney Crosby lying on the ice like that, but it was immediately and…