

So, the secret to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss?

Except for this guy; who experienced a world of oversteer.

My mind is boggled at the comments I’m reading down here. Everything from “he’s an asshole,” to “he doesn’t care about his kids safety.”

What. The. Fuck. Are you people serious?!

1. The kids seem to be having fun. Hell, I’d love to try this challenge. I dunno any kid that wouldn’t find this amusing.

2. The dad seems to

Ask the Lions receivers on their final drive yesterday. Stafford was fortunate he had two timeouts to burn so he could bitch out his receivers after each play.

I’m curious who was wrong. Was the kick good or not?


Fuck that let’s do soccer rules. Targeting gets a red card and your team goes a man down. Shit would stop in a hurry.

You deserve this for wearing a Mets shirt to work.

Good, Patriots fans deserve bad things.

He didn’t run him into the wall and pin him there.

He didn’t run him into the wall and pin him there.

So they cut out a useless middleman. Sounds like good business to me.

She was a huge piece of shit, we are all far better for having her gone.

This is a magnificent obituary and is exactly how she deserves to be memorialized.

The first of many more videos to come ....

He fell down catching the ball so was clearly down. Obviously you know nothing. But thanks for your great comment.

On the one hand — dick move by the other reporter for just jumping in there before Kaep has a chance to answer Whitlock’s question.

On the other hand, kind of a lame, smells-of-respectability-politics question from Whitlock, so... I’ll call that a wash.

Nope, common misconception. The most common type of hand sanitizer doesn’t contain antimicrobials. It just dries out the germs with alcohol, which is not a thing they can develop resistance to.

It’s about time, heard this rumor floating around for a while now.