hopefully if the mclaren/honda gets competetive again in f1 honda will remember who they used to be.. and start doing cool stuff because they can again.
hopefully if the mclaren/honda gets competetive again in f1 honda will remember who they used to be.. and start doing cool stuff because they can again.
It’s an airport in Turkey. I think they’re a little touchy about cars left alone near crowded places in that part of the world.
There should be a comma before the insult, moron.
and I thought I was a fan!
Does anybody not like him besides people who think weed is the devil?
Do we not like him? I like him.
Le Clos poked the bear, and the bear mauled him to death in front of the entire world.
Americaaaaa!!! Phelps is the champ baby oh and eat shit Chad
That’s a rule in field hockey? Fuck this sport.
Getting hit by a car > Equestrian events > Field Hockey
While we’re at it, it should also be played on ice and players should be allowed to check each other. I think a sport like that could really take off.
And why aren’t we the best in the world at it. The Dream Team should moonlight as the handball team as well and see how far they can make it on athleticism alone.
Let's see... Looking over the article now... Annnnd... It looks like the whole article explains exactly why he's doing it.
You win the gold medal for scorching hot takes!
Zachary D. Manprin: Cardinal Fan or Schiano Man?
Why do you feel sorry for the dealership? They were allegedly assholes to this customer and the will lose future business because of it.
I’ve personally dealt with this dealership on a few occasions, it doesn’t seem too far-fetched.
If those “long-held” beliefs are based on bullshit, then...uptight is probably on the nicer side of what you could call it. lol
Cool story bro.