
the frame is actually quite different.

A soft top is absolutely a factory option, my friend just bought one brand new last week and mine came with a soft top from the factory as well?

Bummer on the length, still shorter then a taco but was hoping it would stay closer to the JKU. Was really hoping that they would offer it in 2 and 4 door options.

Why do I have to squint my eyes to see that a soft top is clearly a convertible?

When is a whole team going to step up and kneel?

They really look like the 35/17R12.5 M/Ts to me. Curious on the ground clearance as well definitely looks beefy.

I wish every single black player in the league would sit down.

The best part about being an Eagles fan is living in Denver and not having to put up with Eagles fans. It’s also sooooo easy to ignore the NFL exists when the mountains are calling and there is a fresh foot of snow.

Why did the ump throw him out?

To answer the question. This isn’t going to be the one and this is the fix you’re going to live with.

How many fighters have been called the best to ever do it now? Who has the list it has to be getting pretty dam long by now.

“52 meters, we have a new record. Star that pic for later”

Thanks for the Thanh Hoa Bridge wiki rabbit hole. Got me through an hr long conference call I absolutely shouldn’t have been on.

Why have it in a place that is dome and then not count when it hits the roof?

I’m very surprised to not hear any mention of the rule change (New Decision 34-3/10) that happened earlier this year after the Lexi Thompson situation. This is exactly what the rule was put in place for - not holding the player to an unreasonable standard of judgement due to video replay. Maybe they mentioned it in

In one of the other articles it also mentioned he donated ~$12K the original 58

Your to dumb not to respond too. Like the other 360 comments - please leave Jalop and don’t come back you idiot.

Why do we keep adding to FF BS? Wish there was a FF filter so I wouldn’t even have to scroll past the waste of time articles about them. They have built what 2 cars now?

Can’t believe it’s constantly ignored all the time. For some reason FF is always compared to Tesla like FF has or even every will have a “production car”

Looks like they pretty much cover the whole road side to side.