
Sadly as soon as I saw the title and given that I’ve read all other pertinent articles, I knew this is exactly where the comments were going.

But why does it have to be out of the public view? How do people get so offended by just looking at something that’s not offensive? Like in this case mud.   

Nah I always hold the opinion of looks aren’t everything, so mud vs grass really isn’t that big of deal. Also if you actually damage some of my property but have an allocated time to fix it, why be mad before the allocated time up?

Unlike Alice who was lucky enough to go down the rabbit hole we have down an emotionally charged, misunderstood, internet hole.

100% true but to automatically assume he’s an asshole and won’t fix it right is the point I was making.  

Don’t get me wrong sounds shitty but none of it is directly applicable here because none of those people are involved in this situation. So there is no reason to group DT into the same boat because of your getting the shit end of the stick all the time.

So you had shitty tenant so automatically assume DT is going to be in the same boat and want to kick me? Makes sense.

Not sure why everyone goes straight to assuming that’s not even and option. He can fix that jeep why can’t and won’t he fix the yard to?

B/c everyone cares about looks more than almost anything these days and they think what they like to look should be what you want to look at. If I want to look at firetruck in my driveway every day b/c I like the way it looks, why can’t anyone respect that? As long as there’s nothing genuinely dangerous why can’t we

True there’s no limit to what you can complain about but there are limits to what complaints I have care about.

I don’t understand why people complete fail to even consider your “In due time....” comment. It’s not like you move about tomorrow and left tire tracks in the shape of a giant middle finger in the back yard. They way people react you would think you turned your back yard into an unfixable nuclear waste dump. It’s just

Is he moving out tomorrow and fucking them over? Does he have time to fix it before he moves out? Is there really nothing in the lease that says they can’t bill him for the damage, if he didn’t fix it before moving out?

My thoughts exactly, here we go AGAIN. “Stop doing what your doing on your property! B/c I don’t like it, specifically I don’t like the way IT LOOKS!”

Anderson played fantastic! Been some killer goalie play already in the playoffs and were only past the first games. I do want the caps to win it but when goalies play out of their minds its tough to see them lose.

I have no idea what’s wrong America.

The Dodgers really are looking great this year.

Gonna go out a limb and say most people spending $25,000 - 500,000 aren’t the target audience for this article. As they will probably be asking someone like you what you recommend.

Gonna go out a limb and say most people spending $25,000 - 500,000 aren’t the target audience for this article. As

To join the other mentioned hybrid police cars and the hybrid Toyota Highlanders they use in Aspen.

This was actually the first one I’ve clicked, and didn’t read, just too see if the comments had others who felt the same way. Sure enough with most of the first comment threads being about vapor ware and no funding, I am not alone. But thanks for the answers to questions I didn’t ask.

Anyone else tired of absolutely all things FF? Is there a way to remove it all from my feed?