
Exactly this. Dudebros have to save money to go to rave and buy vodka on the weekends. Plus they don't play much, so the PS sits there not wasting money on online services.

That's why you have to be smart, like all things money

There is no "needing" money here. You get it all back in 3 years with your profit. You're out at that point

Real estate, syndicate mortgages. Up to 9% returns.

I was always told that 0% really means it 0.9%.

As a canadian, I'd buy all of these.


Some people are the worst. Mob mentality I guess

Manually adjustable seats. Power seats are ridiculously slow these days. Especially when you're 6' 5", and everyone else's driving position is up in the dash board.

Skiing is for those afraid of falling.

Oh my god, dat 87!

Wait, you don't have it? We have it in Canuckistan already.

STAPH! Before you know it, people will only buy enthusiast cars as investments and we won't get any to drive.

so true. Drifting in Canada in the winter is like second nature, at least for natives anyway.

You obviously don't have a show car and drive an appliance.

it's just an example, I didn't imply these are what I consider nice.

Not sure if trolling, or you didn't do your research. This common for people with nice/modified cars traveling long distances

in Ontario, you get a stunt driving charge if you lose traction in two or more wheels., even in the snow.

I have been up north in years, that's probably why.

But I'm living in the Greater Toronto Area, you'd think I'd at least see one.