
I’m almost 53 years old. I piss on my balls several times a day.

The concept of a complete outsider coming in and REALLY disturbing the status quo sounds pretty cool to me, and Hillary, sure as a duck with a boner will drag weeds, is not the person to do THAT. Alas, Trump is the only guy in that position (and there doesn’t seem to be anyone likely in the near future to be ‘that’

Somebody call Crash Davis. Nuke needs to work on his cliches...

‘Most of what is written about the Clintons is tin-foil hat conspiracy theory crap, but there are modicums of truth in there are well.’

‘Hair plugs affect vocal cord health? That explains volumes...’

‘Hair plugs cause vocal chord damage? You don’t say...’

Ken Starr killed humor and Baylor University all in one lifetime.

Here’s my reality. I have lived in Arkansas since 1988, after moving from Indiana. Having been here as long as I have, I have seen more of the Clintons and relative matters since then. Experienced vicariously and first-hand the corruption and BS that is Arkansas politics. Where I live now in AR (NW) is kinda

Nah. I’m just a stream of unconsciousness.

It was either that, or construct a joke something along the lines of “Could you define what ‘ith’ ith?”

To represent ‘the other side’ for a sec...

Thith article ith prithleth!

Since the death occurred in TX and your intent was to kill someone in TX, I don’t think this hypothetical will provide any relief...

+1 for Zapruder subreference

The journalistic equivalent of ‘4 of 5 dentists recommend Trident sugarless gum’. Just as any number of those dentists might be Isaac Yankem, the one Corbin Bernsen played in some schlock horror flicks, or Olivier in the Marathon Man, this is about the same...

And written as such. Proceed...

Zero fucks given as to the Cards or their fans.

Sounds like one of those things that if you needed a business to operate at a loss, in order to offset some tax liability, and the——, hey, get that TRUMP guy on the line...

If he thinks he’s targeted NOW, wait ‘til next week. And the week after. And the week after that, ad inifinitum, ad nauseum. Until he proves otherwise, DBs will be looking to get into his dome every week. And if refs read that comment? That’s the equivalent of ‘his strike zone just got larger’...

Too funny! Nah. If you blow up my profile pic, it wouldn’t take you long to figure out I ain’t a guy for ANY kind of sweater, TresselVest or otherwise...