Subahar Ariyarasa

Cellphone AVClub posting needs to stop

His departure lent weight to Cameron's questionable decision. I thought it was a brutal but admirable call

Nicely written caramel. Joe deserves his place in this show

Jesus man she was upset by the fact that he clearly lied to her when she asked if something was wrong after Cameron left. It's a sin of omission type of thing

"and likely would not have killed Poussay."

Well said Alexorella. All this shit-talking about Caputo doesn't land with me

How is she trying to make the relationship with Vinnie work? She cast him off as a cheating bastard towards her sister at this point.

Don't placate, he deserves to be defended

"due to a combination of Caputo being a piece of shit"

Nah I have to side with Caputo on his decision, as unsatisfying as it was I respect him all the more for backing down

Hapakuka MVP of the season

This. It's ridiculous that Suzanne hasn't been sent to Psych before Lolly. She can't keep getting away with this

"I dunno, I think black people get to have an extra level of scrutiny of a
show written by white people attempting to make An Important Statement
about the extrajudicial killings of black people by police."

this lol

The way Taycetee started bawling immediately without checking her made me consider the possibility it was a false alarm too, I didn't believe it

Why are you watching good television at 6 AM exhaustion?

Nicely written, never understood the Alex-Piper backlash. All the arguments are unreasonable

They had no chemistry, but I appreciate that Soso retained all her vices regarding social justice and her oxymoronish prejudices

I don't feel you. I love seeing normally-depressed Poussey enjoying herself genuinely but her pairing with Soso is even more boring than the Piper-Alex reunion
