Lorem Ipsum

The only thing going to the depths of hell this election is America...
enjoy the ride.

Have you ever dug the dirt on Clinton and what do you think of the Two Term Rule being compromised ?

I would not worry about it.
We are far more likely to destroy ourselves before Sol gets a chance.

I have never heard of wind power creating strong winds or stripping the land. Do you have any material stored that I can read on the subject please ?
Current turbines are very poorly designed but that is with intent. The corporations want it to fall short of demand. Wind turbines out at sea would not have the issue.

Looking for yet more ways to invade our privacy while bolstering theirs.
Then there is the whole scam of you buy the appliance but we own what you make with it thievery. Imagine if a guitar company had the same policy or an art supplier or welding equipment manufacturer.
It would take a special kind of moron to sellout

It is ok, radiation is naturally in everything and it is the most eco friendly energy... right ?

Actually you are the one throwing insult. I don’t give that much of a rats to be honest. I just made the error of thinking that you were open minded and better read.

You do take it personal without question.
A narrow mind is not free thinking nor is it creative.

Your words not mine.
Why do you take this so personal ?
You attack everybody with an open mind ?
I thought you were smarter than that =:-(
Whether you like it or not, it was Turing that set the whole thing in motion. Isaac Asimoff kicked off a lot of interest in the subject also.

It is all part of the same deal.

Lab discoveries are not necessarily the labs original research goal regardless of what name they go by.
e.g. Brominated Vegetable Oil in American food is FDA approved as a food stabilizer. It was not originally patented as a food additive, it was originally a fire retardant. (causes a

I don’t buy that story about the Turing test being past. Reading just the first part of the report suggests that is not even close. The question is, Would Turing agree ?
Given how poorly Turing was treated by the British government I would not put it past them to try to destroy his credibility to this day.

Try it on Dragon Diction and let me know the results please.
I have the same problem with phones and most things with “voice recognition”. With a phone I can speak complete gibberish and it will still dial somebody. The xbox works pretty good so they must have improved the tech. Dragon is aged these days but it is

The middle east wars have really influenced the latest Star wars movies. I really like the original unedited trilogy but not the modern stuff. It would be interesting to venture down the road of other characters like Jabba or Boba Fett etc. You could make a whole bunch of movies about those characters.

The original was made by this guy :

I do believe the test Siri must pass is the Turing Test for AI to qualify. Otherwise it is just a mathematical filling system with preset subroutines that tries to remove errors by trial and error until it finds a match.
I have Dragon Dictation for amusement. It can understand most of what people say but it just makes

That is very flawed. A chatbot is a computer talking to a computer so that is not the Turing Test. The test is for a human to be involved in the conversation. It is easy to bust a computer attempting AI.

I do believe that in science it is supposed to pass at 90%-100%.
50%-60% is a work in progress that needs further studies and anything below 50% is a total fail.

Hate that jerk. They are the kind of idiots that watch a movie like the Terminator or 1984 and then try to turn it into reality. The Terminator is not the way to utopia, just as the bio chip implant he has injected himself with. These are the evil people in society that would happily sell you and everybody else down

“Frankly, I think products that use components manufactured in facilities of that sort (regardless of brand) should be required to carry a label to that effect.”
No, they should be instantly shut down, all assets confiscated and prosecuted to the max.

Not sure that Cookie Monster is a good roll model for a kids show.
Does he just reflect the prolific drug abuse in the show business industry ?