Lorem Ipsum

But how will the cops make money if there are no speeding tickets to hand out ?

Autonomous cars, the alcoholics dream.
Buy now... buy now... buy now... buy now...

Took a look and yeah, he is a bit of a dick.

Not sure that Blade Runner should be in that list.
It has very little in common with Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep.

The video cuts off too soon, did it fall over after landing ?

If NASA really did go to the moon and it was not just a cold war ruse, why has nobody else gone there ?

Well done, and lets remember to thank the Nazis that made all this possible at NASA.

Life saving drugs ?
And exactly where did they get the Niobium ?

“who care about how look an computer.. are you serious?”
Was the actual quote. There are more than just one interpretation to that post.

I don’t see anything condescending in that post, it has validity even if it does have poor grammar. The point is still clear, cosmetics over functionality ?

Is that the best you have... really ?
Ha ha ha... never go full retard dude.

She isn’t a mouse, the word you are looking for is RAT !

America has learned nothing since General Smedley Buttler.

Left or Right wing they are both confederates wiping their ass on the Constitution and exploiting the citizens. It works the same in every country.

You assume that voting is not rigged ?

That is what you get for letting somebody with a name like Feinstein get into office. Feinstein does not give a crap about the citizens, oath of office or the Constitution.
I scrape better things from my boots than her.

I know that doofer, it is great for the tight areas.
I have seen all kinds of Shop Vac’s on construction sites. They are great at home if you have industrial wood working appliances to get the dust as you cut or sand.

I know that doofer, it is great for the tight areas.
I have seen all kinds of Shop Vac’s on construction sites. They

Careful, your psychosis is poking through.
Dude... never go full retard.

Careful, your psychosis is poking through.
Dude... never go full retard.

That is impressive. I have never seen one first hand but they look well built.

That is impressive. I have never seen one first hand but they look well built.