Lorem Ipsum

Careful with the detail there liar.

Blogy :
“Why is religion still around after all the scientific advances humanity has made over the past few centuries?”

I have a Kirby that is about 36 years old. Built like a tank and it still works like new. Dirt Devil makes some great hand held vac’s.
Shop Vac are great versatile cleaners too.

I have a Kirby that is about 36 years old. Built like a tank and it still works like new. Dirt Devil makes some

Yes you certainly do guess, very wildly too.
Don’t take up gambling ;)

Yes you certainly do guess, very wildly too.
Don’t take up gambling ;)

Not niggling just clarifying the process.

Safer than Hydro or Geothermal ?
What am I missing about your point regarding wind energy ?

“So what happens if all containments fail and that kind of heat is exposed ?” The marshmallow company will make a killing.

Have to admit I don’t take evolution seriously, it is more a mutation than evolution.

Many fundamentalist Christians actually believe that the world is only a little over 2000 years old ! No arguing with that kind of logic.
Why is religion still around after all the scientific advances humanity has made over the past few centuries ?

Where was ‘gods’ intervention in Nagasaki or Auschwitz or Pol Pots

It only removes some GW causes, not many. It will only replace one problem with another.

The author should have gone more neutral on the title. It makes the author look like a bias TP nut. It certainly puts me off reading it. Science should be non biased otherwise its no better than religion.

But solar fusion is part of the process, like a gear wheel in a clock.
Without Sol there would be no global warming no ?

As both sides of the house are in the pockets of corporations they are both equally guilty of corruption and exploiting the citizens. Not even sure there is a ‘left’ anymore. It is more like the right, the extreme right, and the lunacy right these days. The so called ‘left’ was disbanded in the 1970's mostly due to

That will not affect the volume of CFC’s out there.
GW is not all about fossil fuel stations that refuse to put scrubbers into their plants. Seems to me like a waste of fossil fuels that could be utilized in a more responsible manner.
Nuke is not the way to go as it replaces one kind of pollution with another, and a

When Dyson started he said it was British all the way from conception to manufacturing. A UK product that provides UK jobs. That soon changed once people decided to buy the product on that claim alone. Did not take long for him to move out East after his initial success.
Dyson is a sellout so he can stick it where the

When Dyson started he said it was British all the way from conception to manufacturing. A UK product that provides

Reminds me of those old UK red pay phone boxes.

The AMD graphic support deal is all about Nvidias stranglehold on its software driver licensing. AMD is a superior product so Nvidia plays the saboteur to fix the market in Nvidias favor by controlling who get the license, they restrict AMD.

That looks like a clean build, is it your PC and did you build it ?

And others do not.

“More money than sense” ?
“A fool and his money are easily parted” ?
I go for functional too, unless it is really ugly. I have lost count of the amount of mirrors I have waste money on = ¦:¬/
Why buy a billion dollar sports car that has a junk engine and breaks down every other week just because it is pretty ?
You can

Do you speak any foreign languages fluently ?