Lorem Ipsum

For the benefit of doubt :
You automatically assume that blabla is a native English speaker ?

Sure is pretty but what use is that if there is no software to fully exploit the hardware’s capabilities ?

Sales is all about the hype not the actual quality of the product.

I would still rather have AMD than the alternative, unless they make a deal with the devil aka Intel.

Man, has it really taken 20+ years to get VR out on the market ?

Do you folks know about the dirty tricks of the inferior product called Nvidia and it’s

The article has been dumbed down to Fahrenheit to cater for the American audience. Pretty sure the actual technicians use kelvin.

“Cherry picking scientific theories to match your political ideology is a rejection of the scientific method.”
Come on, just about everybody cherry picks and the science community is no exception. It is no secret that scientist’s have a bad habit of finding in favor of the financier of the research. The tobacco

A lot of coal emissions can be put through scrubbers but the industry does not want to spend money on that.

The standard corporate way is to build on the cheap and spend as little as possible on maintenance while paying the lowest wages possible to the peasant workers. Charge the public ridiculous rates and then you

It is donut shaped ?
Is that a donut with or without the hole in the center ?
The correct name for that shape is a Torus or Toroid.

It is genius the way they do it. They measure it by holding a piece of bread in front of it and then time how long it takes to toast.

= ¦:¬ Þ

I see your point with current solar tech but wind ?
What is the issue with wind ?
Hydro works pretty good and when implemented responsibly it is eco safe.

Tsk... Tsk... did you fall asleep in class again ?
It has everything to do with climate change and evolution but nowhere near as much as it does pink blancmange on Tuesdays.
If you don’t pay attention in class you will be kept behind a year with all the slow kids. = ¦:¬ Þ

How can Australia have the best metric system in the world ?
It is an International System of Units (SI).

Ya wanna go play with that outside, preferably in space so my fine china does not get destroyed... please and thank you.

There is only about three countries that don’t use metric.

Collage ?
Don’t you mean the State University in Oregon ?
Do you even know what universities use their labs for ?
You think it is just there for students and scientists looking for funds ?

Last time I’m posting this link :

As I have stated before :
You have no idea what my level of education is or what research I have done. (you don’t even know my employment history)

A.) James F. Pankow, professor of chemistry and engineering at Portland State University in Oregon does not agree with you.
I’m one of those people that reads the ingredients list on food packaging and I don’t buy artificial flavors, colors or sketchy food additives like BHT, EDTA, food coloring, or anything Brominated

You’re welcome

“The burden of proof” works both ways not just your way.