
Is there any evidence that the world seen at the end of The Marvels is the same as the ‘core’ X-Men universe? There are never any mention of other superheroes in that world. Someone as powerful as a Captain Marvel running around would definitely have changed things up significantly. (Yes, I know the out-of-universe

I picked up the House/Powers of X trade because I’d heard really good things, but I’ve never been much of an X-Men guy beyond the films and animated series, so there was a distinct learning curve while I tried to catch up on the differences from the kind of status quo I was familiar with.

These sequel ideas have been weighed, they have been measured, and they have been found wanting.

The indie world can be an absolute cesspool. There are some genuine people out there who are honestly just trying to put something out into the world and understand the process of doing so, but just lack the funds. If they make that clear to everyone involved and do the best they can in terms of remuneration and

Also, those shots that are in the trailer but not the final film? Still made by people.

Yeah, I was hoping for a smaller-scale story set on just Tatooine, with Obi-Wan as a kind of Man-With-No-Name figure. I know it’s a common complaint, but not everything has to be about the same half dozen people.

I did like having more of McGregor as Obi-Wan, and especially how beaten down he was at the start, but as a whole the show just felt unnecessary. With the exception of the one scene that really managed to do what we’re talking about - as they’re escaping the Inquisitor base, Obi-Wan is really struggling to deflect the

At least. (It’s entirely possible this comment has been Kinja’d. There’s supposed to be a screenshot of J’onn wearing a home-made Christmas jumper...)

I perhaps phrased it badly for the sake of brevity, but it’s more like “whose story it felt like we’d seen the most interesting part of”.

I remember seeing a clip of it when it first aired, long before I actually watched Rebels, and remember thinking “that was it?!” I was vaguely aware of some of the history that developed between Obi-Wan and Maul in the animated shows, so I was expecting exactly one of those drawn-out, knock-down brawls.

I had so little interest in a show about that guy from Rogue One whose story we know the end of.

That’s the one!

That’s why my favourite saber fight in the entire franchise is from one of the animated shows and lasts two seconds. Because the fight itself is a story. Leaping and flipping and all that noise can look cool, but like you say, if there’s nothing behind it, it just ends up being empty and cold.

The ones in Ahsoka were definitely the worst, and seeing that they’re the ones I saw most recently are probably at the front of my mind. I think you’re right, the ones in Obi-Wan probably come off best from the sequel era, but part of that may have been a lot to do with Ewan McGregor. I remember people saying at the

I agree, for the most part, especially when you get stuff like Obi-Wan and Anakin just spinning their sabers at each other for five seconds. But there does just seem to be something about the sequel era fights where the sabers just look heavy and slow, even more so than the original trilogy.

I’ve found most of the lightsaber fights in ‘new’ Star Wars to be weirdly staid and almost a bit clumsy. I wonder if it’s down to the sabers they use now, because previously they were basically just plastic rods, but now they look heavier and more substantial, so it might not be possible to swing them around quite as

Just what the world needs - another online campaign for a Snyder film...

You mean the original trilogy he made when he wasn’t surrounded by yes-men, co-wrote two of the films and only directed one of, which had to then be saved in the edit? That original trilogy?

I’m 99.8% certain that if there ever is any more Twin Peaks, it will end on a cliffhanger again. I can’t decide if I will hate that, or absolutely love it as the most Twin Peaks thing imaginable.

The moment at the ruined Jedi temple where Anakin and Ventris are facing off, and it begins to rain, the drops of water hissing off the lightsaber blades, is the kind of quiet, tense moment that Lucas apparently found himself incapable of creating. So simple but so effective.