
I’ve thought for a long time that the ideal template for a DCU already exists - the DCAU. It started with just Batman, then we started to flesh out the rest of the Bat-Family, then Superman comes along, we get World’s Finest and then the world expands to the core Justice League and finally the entirety of that world

Seriously, Conroy, Hamill and Sorkin. Everyone in Batman: TAS series, hell, the whole DCAU, knocked it out the park, but those three were on a completely different, character-defining level. All three are the voices I hear when I read their characters.

Yeah that’s a fair point. I do wonder how casual audiences will take to having both that new Batman and Bat-Pats being in totally unrelated films around the same time too. I know we know the difference, because we’re here, but whenever an issue like this comes up I’m reminded of a friend’s girlfriend - who is a big

Oh there’s no way it’s going to be an easy job, or one I’d want myself, but I think Gunn’s built himself a fair bit of goodwill over the last few years because he’s shown he can get to the core of a character. There will always be the loud group shouting at him because he’s not Snyder, or who think that because he did

A lot of people seem to get weirdly gleeful about it, like with all the articles getting excited about its first MCU usage in GOTG3, and also weirdly hostile to anyone who criticises it, but its use in PG-13 films always feels really juvenile to me. As if more time has been spent deciding where to get away with that

I don’t think he’s actually ‘dealing’ with their demands though. He always corrects outright false information on Twitter, but apart from that I suspect he’s making the best Superman film he feels he can make, whilst ignoring the barrage of social media writers who all think they know best. I think that’s the best way

I was perfectly happy with the Clooney ending. It was a decent gag, and it banishes the Snyderverse to the Batman and Robin universe. I’m OK with that.

I think vinyl is a good comparison - it may be a hobbyist market now, but it is a market, and you’ll always get some hold outs who prefer to stick to physical media. I’m just hoping it’s enough to convince studios to keep catering to us. Disney stopping disk sales in Australia is a big worry, but I guess it’s the same

I would have been among those boo-ers when I first heard the news, I just couldn’t see it. Then I was chatting to someone about it and they managed to completely change my mind, he said “you don’t cast Batman, you cast Bruce”, and all of a sudden I could absolutely see it.

If you want picture quality it’s catagorically the worst. People often get hung up on resolution as if it’s the end-all, be-all, when that’s meaningless if the compression used crushes all the data out of the picture. Netflix has a maximum 4k bitrate of about 16Mb/s, the bigger UHD disks push 150Mb/s.

I had that realisation around season 3 of Rebels. They might have made him a bit easier to understand, but I like to think it’s just familiarity with the little maniac!

I definitely got better at understanding him as Rebels went on, so I’m not sure how much was them making him easier to understand or me just getting used to him.

I went through Rebels for the first time earlier this year. Chop is now my favourite droid in Star Wars.

He mentioned that Superman Legacy would look to All-Star Superman for inspiration, and that anyone interested in the direction Brave and the Bold would take might be well served by reading Morrison’s Batman run. They were the main ones off the top of my head. All I know is I’ve been eyeing up those Morrison omnis for

These social media pre-release love-fests mean nothing since the relentless fawning over Batman v Superman before it came out.

When I told a friend (who didn’t care about being spoiled) that she was in The Flash, she said “What, so, the guitar riff and an eye roll about the ‘boys’?”

I’m amazed that anyone tries to make a film like this after Cabin in the Woods lampooned so many of those horror tropes so effectively.

There are dozens of us!

Oh I absolutely understand preferring Hot Fuzz! And I actually watched an analysis video on youtube just the other day that highlighted a few things I’d missed even in half a dozen viewings, so I really do think my opinion could change next watchthrough. I think I just felt Shaun was ‘purer’, if that makes sense? The