
The day after it comes out the #ReleaseTheSnyderSequel shouts will start on Twitter, and never be silenced.

Yeah...that’s me out!

I dunno, I’ve got a soft spot for a bit of New Romantic. That said, what I’ve come across is the stuff that will have been good enough to survive. I imagine it would have been a very different matter had I lived through it.

Nostalgia tends to run about 25-30 years after the fact - long enough for the people who grew up in a decade to get to positions where they’re making decisions about what shows/films/books to make, so on the plus side, we should be moving out of 80's nostalgia and into 90's nostalgia pretty soon.

It doesn’t get mentioned much because the overall story tends to overshadow it, but one of my favourite aspects was the nature of the melee kills. They start off quick and efficient, but by the end of the game they’re brutal curb stomps, and accompanied by comments like “just f***ing DIE!” from Walker. The progression

It doesn’t get mentioned much because the overall story tends to overshadow it, but one of my favourite aspects was

Buy this, it’s incredible.

Buy this, it’s incredible.

Yes. That’s exactly what it is. Now you never need to Google it. Ever.

The Sinner’s Sandwich, odd though it may sound and revolting though it may look in game, is actually surprisingly good. Cornflakes and strawberry jam is the best combination (a friend and I may have tried several variations).

And each game was going to carry directly on, so the first game had a level cap of 50, but you’d be able to start the second one with a fully leveled-up character and then go to 100 by the end of the game, and then 150 by the end of the third one.

That was it! I thought about doing it again this year but decided against it as I have so many other books to get through that I haven’t read before, but I only just realised that the full moon matches up, which would have been perfect! Oh well, next time! (So...2039...)

Yeah, I first heard about this in exactly the same kind of article on Io9 a couple of days before Halloween 2018, so I bought it, resolving to read it a chapter a day the following October, which I did last year and loved doing it like that!

Jason Bourne knew this in the books - Sleep is a weapon!

I’ll probably get a PS5 at some point down the line, I went PS4 this gen because there weren’t enough exclusives on XBox that I was interested in, but by the end of next gen I could see myself picking up one of these dirt cheap, along with a couple of months of Gamepass and just blitzing through two generations worth

Not only did the Earl of Oxford have to go traveling for seven years out of embarrassment after letting one rip in front of Elizabeth I, when he finally returned to the court her first words to him were reportedly “Welcome back, my lord. We have all quite forgotten the fart”.

I think you’ve got that backwards. I wasn’t charging my phone every four days before, my old phone needed charging every day and I wanted to avoid having to do that, as well as having to take a charger if I go away for a weekend or if I know I’ve got a particularly long day at work.

For people who use all the features then absolutely the top-of-the-range ones make sense, but we do seem to be getting a bit more variety in what’s available now. It’s taken a while, but the market has realised that it makes sense to offer a greater variety!

Yeah, the Play would have been my second choice, but I’m glad I went with the Power. I don’t need my phone to be particularly powerful.

I mean, someone else has already pointed out to you that it’s not really the best thing to leave your phone on charge all night. I’d just be repeating what they said. Plus, I put my phone on airplane mode when I’m asleep and lose about 2% charge by the time I wake up. I don’t need to charge it at night.

Because it lasts three-four days and I didn’t need to charge it overnight?