
Caliban would be Wyatt.

Yeah, I can't shake the suspicion that Theresa is a robot too.

MIB is more likely to be on the board of that foundation because he had a child who died from whatever disease it combats. His bitterness and his quest are somehow connected to that death.

But the point of him putting it that way was surely to remind us that there are supposedly no emotions in the hosts. Just affect.

When Maeve was taken out to be serviced it was because there was a small drop in her effectiveness at seducing people to sleep with her. The show definitely gave the impression in that scene that all the hosts are carefully monitored to make sure guests are getting a "premium" experience. Come the scene with Hector

Look at the people here talking about all the teasing "clues" on the "Delos website." It's absolutely that kind of show.

I agree with the reviewer that the MIB will probably not make it past this season. I think it's highly possible that Ford will also die this season. I could see this show being about people trying to piece together what Ford was doing, for some imperative reason that hasn't been revealed yet.Either that or he will

Do you go to the mall to release your inhibitions concerning violence and sexuality? The whole point of Westworld is that people are allowed to do things that don't "make sense" in the real world with all its consequences. Erica's point is not absurd at all.

Do you think they might have done better to have the pilot episode be an exciting "run-through" of a guest's experience in the park? For the purpose of explaining how the park works and what its stakes are from the POV of a normal guest? I'm not sure, but I'm starting to wonder why they went straight to emphasizing

I agree that the crying wasn't the right kind of crying.

I think that at the root of the show's problems is its inability to fully characterize more than two or three characters at a time. This isn't a case of there being "too many characters," but an inability to write dialogue in such a way that characters who don't play major roles in an episode are still fully present.

I agree with you, but this was why I was so frustrated that all of them spent so much of this episode in tears. The show wanted to get across that they are all being weakened by Negan, but it did so at the expense of plausibility. They would all react differently, and most of them would be too shocked to cry. But they

Are you kidding? They'll be planning to fight Negan for the next two seasons at least.

No, the review did not complain about over-the-top violence.

How can it begin to make more sense when the tv show has changed things so that Glenn doesn't seem like Rick's right hand man? I mean, to me Negan came off as kind of an idiot for not being able to tell that Darryl is Rick's right hand man, if Rick has one. Your comment was very informational; thanks for posting it. I

The writing for Darryl is nonexistent because these writers only seem to have enough attention span to give personalities to people who are about to die. And they don't want to kill Darryl off yet.

This is a solid piece of writing right here.

AV Club recaps are good, when they're good, because they are critical appraisals. If you want marketing-based hype over "storylines and characters" there are plenty of places for that. If you want a critical appraisal of this show that confirms you in your belief that it's good, there is nowhere to go for that.

You enjoy your misery porn and we'll enjoy ours, ok? Tolerance.

What makes it misery porn and not just miserable, or nihilistic, which would both be realistic, is that the characters (and through them the audience) retain quite mawkish and sentimental hopes for the future. Misery and nihilism would have have Glenn and Maggie refusing to have sex with each other because they can't