
Can someone remind me how Oleg knew about the bioweapons program? Did I accidentally fast forward through a scene? I thought Tatiana was pretty tight-lipped about what she was up to.

Elizabeth sending Henry to the garage for that piece of equipment coming after Henry showed his first ever glimmer of interest in something happening in his house other than computer games makes me think you are right.

This may have been the first episode that left me not rooting for Philip and Elizabeth. If I'm rooting for anyone at this point, it's Oleg.

I'm not willing to jinx this by expressing hope. Remember the salad days when Jaime and Bronn's road trip to Dorne was going to make Jaime interesting again?

Yes! It made no sense!

And yet nothing seems to have changed between them. That is precisely the point I'm making.

I mean that Jaime seems to have zero charisma now, and there hasn't been much indication as to what his driving internal motivation is for some time.

Well, I was one of the people who wasn't up in arms about it, so I'm not making a political statement or anything, but thematically there now seems to have been no reason for that scene or its immediate aftermath. Jaime is just as in thrall to Cersei as he ever was, it seems, and Cersei is madly passionate about Jaime

I'm not a reader and I noticed all those things. Either Lady Stoneheart is appearing or you book people are being overtly teased, IMO.

This is happening too often on this show now, major twists that leave everyone wondering what the meaning is. It creates a choppy feeling.

Oh man, I just commented almost the same thing on the Newbies thread, and I'm not a book reader.

The horse is drinking wine in a big, empty Mereen council chamber right now.

Comic book — SORRY — graphic novel.

That someone WAS ME OMG.

Something that's been bugging me for a while is Jaime and Cersei's relationship. It's as if The Rape that Broke the Internet never happened. I mean, what did that end up being about? It seemed at the time like a definitive break between the two of them, or a change in the hold Cersei had over Jaime, but since then all

Yeah. First go naked, then go dragon. Works every time.

Hmm. That part of me is 100% of me.

I get what you're saying. Before, there was more of a connection between action and character development than there is now. There's scraps of plot going on. And there are scenes where characters talk and reveal things about themselves to each other. And it feels clunky. Partly because the conversation scenes seem to

Arya getting acting lessons from Richard Grant may be more interesting than Arya getting ninja lessons from Jaquen. Fingers crossed, anyway.

And I wish we had more reason to want to see the Waif get "fucked up" besides "she seems to be really, really bitchy."