
Handwaving all the various revelations those two would have made to each other was very cheap and undercut the impact of their reunion for me.

He STILL doesn't know what happened to Shireen, though, does he?

I like that Bachmann IS quick about a few things that matter. He's like Cartman that way.

But that's California money, right? So it's, what — $500?

I don't know if it counts as a beloved classic but I rewatched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid recently and thought it was pretty insufferably in love with itself.

The bad guys are really, really bad and rich. The actors playing the bad guys allow their disdain for their characters to show. The good guys are really, really good, kind-hearted, and shabby. The actors playing them respect their characters so much it gets a bit embarrassing to watch.

Vanessa beat Satan because he underestimated her and misjudged the right way to tempt her. I mean, she explicitly said this to him.

Honestly, I think that if anyone in this show deserves to die, the Putneys did.

She is Acting.

My eleventh grade history classroom (this was 1987) had a timeline of posters all around its walls depicting the different historical eras. "The Middle Ages" "The Victorian Period" etc. The last one, for our time, was "The Nuclear Age," and its picture was just a big mushroom cloud. How could we help but be slackers?

Testament was more about Bad Civilization in General, though, wasn't it?

No. It was very, very Made For TV.

I didn't realize it at the time but racquetball was apparently a real model of an eighties marketing phenomenon. It didn't just spontaneously happen.

Most people had VCRs by 1983. So yeah, most people had remotes.

My take was that we were supposed to think that Elizabeth would know from the porn that he would desire her on some level. Which was why she made a move on him before he blacked out. He loves Young Hee, so he would probably feel guilty enough about even wanting another woman to believe he had slept with her.

Same here. My parents wouldn't have let us kids watch it anyway; they thought it was pure sensationalism, not worth giving kids nightmares over.

I hated it when Elizabeth said "I'm going to miss her." After doing something as devastating as that to people as innocent as them, that was all she had to say? I would rather she had said nothing.

The fact that Afghanistan was a quagmire was what they were trying to keep secret, I think.

That was on purpose. Ethan knew what he was saying; that's why it was Ethan who said it.

He was tempted.