
Also, I think it's you to whom I owe some bitcoin. You were right about the molestation only being tangentially related to the cult. If that was you.

I read the porn scene as her being attracted to it despite herself. It was supposed to be something dark about her. I agree with everything else you're saying, though.

Unless it goes full-on noir and Ani and Jordan end up on that midnight plane to Venezuela.

I remember my high school English teacher excitedly pointing out how Oedipus Rex is basically "all about fucking" (he didn't use that word, but it's what he meant). And the "happy accidents" (Chief Holloway's word) that have happened throughout the season have all been because someone was connected to someone else

I don't know what else that scene was doing in there, then. The one of her looking at porn, I mean. I don't mind — I am one of those dreary porn-haters myself — but I'm surprised someone like Marcotte at Slate wasn't all over that.

After she confronts her memory of the molestation she is able to have tender, meaningful, non-kinky sex with a man.

I'm not much of a feminist but if I were I would be giving the side-eye to Ani's liking of kinky sex and porn being caused by her being molested as a child.

No. That was supposed to be a huge emotional turnaround for both of them. And it wasn't realistic.

It's a terrible show, Kang.

Call me weird or something but I would have been happier if they had left it with the hand-holding at the table.

There has been no slow burn with this season. Info dumps have happened in every episode. It's been a jerky season with every episode seeming to "finally" begin the action of the season near the end.

Rather than wondering why, after six episodes, they didn't care about Paul and seeing that as a flaw.

No, the consensus is that everyone is surprised because they cared so much that Paul died. And they see this as a sign that this episode was incredible.

I think Osip bought Frank's act. He's been playing Frank for a while, doesn't see him as a threat.

I predict that Frank dies but somehow does something that saves Ray and Ani. Maybe they will end up with those Two Tickets to Venezuela.

I knew who they both were (although it took me a while with Holloway) but I didn't really care that they were bad guys because we already knew that. My only surprise this episode was that the DA lady was NOT a bad guy.

I guess I was paying attention to one of the other dozen really, really important things that have gone by in a flash.

"Holloway" has been a name characters have thrown around. How was I supposed to recognize him in the flesh?

I somehow knew that Miguel wasn't on the up and up but I didn't know why I knew it.

The plots of Miller's Crossing, The Big Sleep, and — other things I can't think of right now — were too convoluted for me to follow on a first viewing but I was hooked and enthralled by the interactions of the central characters to the point that I didn't even notice I wasn't aware of the intricacies of the crime