
If you've seen The Outsiders it's very possible not to be moved by that scene.

The interpersonal relationships are only there so the symbolic dialogue can symbolize the interpersonal themes that underlie the detective plot.

I like how I'm starting to enjoy the show more while you're giving up on it. I think we're meeting in the middle on this recap thread.

Frank somehow adopts Stan's kid.

It's a problem when the characters seem to have been expecting lucky coincidences. Ray and Paul were supposed to be "on the perimeter." Instead they went right up to the house, which was incredibly risky. Looked in a window and saw — exactly what you would hope to see if you looked in a window.

I think you may be misremembering. What was said was that they had been trying to get pregnant when the attack happened. I think.


That scene with Ray and Chad wasn't supposed to be about their relationship. Their relationship was established in the scene in the backyard. The scene this week was about the supervision, the impossibility of interacting naturally while being observed. Ray isn't giving up on his kid because he thinks Chad doesn't

But Ray's wife is supposed to be 40. Chad doesn't look like anyone. I don't trust how anyone looks on this show. Those kids could be Chessani's.

I thought the same. Not stupid. Especially when the detective plot is obviously going to hinge on the age of those kids at the jewel heist.

Whichever one is the mayor.

Cops took the diamonds originally. Under cover of the riots. Maybe even Ray's dad was in on it.

Look, the other escort girl should have just said "This is a drug you take to make orgies go all wonky and hallucenogenic so the viewer can learn things about your past."

But I do know that a drug that is said by a character who takes it regularly to make you feel really good is not meant to make you feel dizzy and flash back to childhood trauma.

TV recovery time is like TV drive time.

Do you think the standoff in the kitchen was meant to be a big reveal that Frank is not a bad guy? That's what I think. It didn't work for me because I already knew he wasn't really supposed to be a bad guy, but I think that for Vaughn acting was easier after that scene because his character isn't supposed to be

I didn't crack up at the kid biting the pizza. I thought that was gratuitous and mean. I could see that it was supposed to be black comedy — maybe that was the problem.

An early film of his called Homicide is worth watching if you haven't seen it. It does what Pizzolatto is trying to do here, but Mamet is more cynical about it.

I agree but the argument still stands because Ray's wife is not very sympathetic and she is the one who was raped. She then abandoned her kid for two months and came back demanding full custody of him. And worst of all she has committed the cardinal hard-boiled genre sin of Hiding Behind Lawyers and Going With the

I love how everyone is analyzing what "molly" was supposed to mean rather than accepting that P used a trendy-sounding drug name with no intention of being realistic about its effects.