
He seemed to me to be able to read people pretty well. He knew he was being given the runaround by … That Guy I Know From Stuff but Can't Place Right Now. And his wife and underlings seem to believe in him. But you could be right — I found it hard to tell what he was supposed to be because of the way his dialogue kept

It has to mean someone doesn't know they are someone else's parent or child, for sure.

I thought it was spot-on about the problem with Vince's character's dialogue.

I'm glad someone besides me isn't sold on Rachel McAdams yet. I've been keeping quiet about that because most people here seem to like her best so far. I think she's a good actor but I find her character uninteresting and unoriginal so far.

So you would rather watch Jennifer Anniston than Parker Posey? In any role? Just on principle? Are you even aware of what you're saying?

Heaven's Gate is actually kind of awesome.

I read that the part was written with Vince Vaughan in mind.

I didn't think Season 1 was as good as you thought it was. Quite a few people don't think it was as good as you thought it was. I don't have high hopes for this season but I'm interested in it and enjoy discussing it with other people. It's hard to discuss things with someone who thinks his opinions are facts and

Same thought, same hope.

It is the second season of the same show. Pizzolato could have created a completely different show but he didn't. He continued this one.

Velcro has to be sterile because he and his wife were trying unsuccessfully to have a baby and then she got pregnant after being raped. I didn't pick up on the gay thing either, though. Thought the viagra was a PTSD thing.

Well, the more well-known Simeon is the guy who circumcised Jesus and said the famous "Now let your servant depart in peace…" antiphon. But Semyon is also just a standard Russian Jewish name, which could also have implications.

The way Semyon said "some meth addict" was suspicious, for sure. But I just don't know with this show.

Chekov's sex toys.

The plot of Season 1 was very by-the-numbers too.

It's 23 days later and you probably won't see this, but you are 100% correct about this.

As big as Cosby sounds much more like Chris Rock, to me. CK is nowhere near as big as Cosby.

The one or two reviewers who dared to express any reservations about Season 1 suffered almost physical violence from their readers. It was crazy.

I am so relieved to see someone else thought this.

Well there's definitely a sex club. Sigh.