
He said she was "dealing with her repeated marital rape." That is true. She reacted more to Reek betraying her.

If Tyrion's uplifted-in-wonder face had gotten hit with a steaming dragon turd I might have liked the scene better.

Well, I am predicting that Myrcella doesn't make it through next episode. I'm not buying Rome/Luther/Jekyll Lady's repentance. And if nothing bad happens then there was really, REALLY no reason for the Dorne stuff not to have all taken place inside one segment of one episode.

If that's the case then Dany shouldn't have spent so much money on them since she was planning on using them to take cities, not fight open battles in the field. The phalanx argument is backward reasoning anyway. We were never told the Unsullied weren't also trained in short swords.

He was too busy having a one -cockmanship debate with Hizdar to do his damn job.

She also looked totally surprised when they started, though. If it turns out the Ramsay raid was a big misdirection I will call bullshit. Why set something up that they will have to waste a lot of time explaining?

You actually mean tactic. Tact means something else.

Plus it wasn't like there wasn't a bit of trouble in the switchover.

She said some of her tricks were smoke and mirrors. Not all of them. Selyse has been shown to be a true believer.

Yes, you can't have Jorah's training and fighting spirit trumping his age time after time and also have Unsullied being defeated in alleyways because they "aren't good with short swords." It just doesn't compute.

I think the point still stands. Hired swords would have fled on the spot.

If it's important they need to sell its importance better. As it is they seem to think they are offering fan service.

There are no think pieces because Shireen was an innocent child with no "agency" anyway. There were think pieces on Sansa because people thought the showrunners were taking her burgeoning "agency" away from her in a vulgar, clichéd way. It wasn't just that people thought it was too sad or something.

No way in hell would an HBO show risk that after Luck.

That horse is a total method actor, really hard to be around even off set.

I have this feeling neither D&B nor GRRM wants us to take the gods of the show too seriously, or pick one god as the "right" one. Bran's Old Ones god seems the closest to nature and therefore the least "divine" of any of the gods so if I HAD to pick one that's the one I'd go for.

Next time stick to Hannibal.

Roose flays people alive, does whatever he wants to women, and bears a big part of the responsibility for Ramsay being the way he is. Listen to the little dead girl and stop trying to choose a side!

Greyscale doesn't seem to slow the Stonemen down much.

It's hard to fight effectively when you have to stop to look longingly at your queen after every sword strike.