
I am a huge fan but I thought this was garbage.

Yeah, but it outdid even itself tonight.

I don't think that was its fault. I think a lot of VIEWERS got excited by the Yellow King "symbolism", which wasn't really meant to be integral to the show but was just sprinkled around as cool shout-outs to a cult classis. Then a couple of excited articles got written along those lines and suddenly everyone started

Bingo. How is returning to reestablish an overthrown dynasty "breaking the wheel"?

Because her idealism works out to a lot of suffering in practice. Ignoring the muddy realities of politics doesn't just make them go away.

Funny how breaking the wheel of corrupt governments so often amounts to establishing a one-person rule of dragonfire.

They play by paintball rules. There's a sense of honor among the undead.

Funny how Reek betraying her seemed to have such a galvanizing effect on her. Two episodes after the supposed Rape of Empowerment.

Vinyl sounding warmer is more basic than hipster.

She said she doesn't appreciate sloppiness when it comes to craft. She said nothing about feeling emotionally hurt.

Well, I recently rewatched the original BSG and was quite upset when Rick Springfield died in the first episode. So there's that. It was like "Oh hey, I didn't remember freaking JESSE'S GIRL was in … oh."

I'm pretty sure he nodded when she said "Confess" and looked disappointed when she went into her rant about kneeling before commoners.

The impression I get is that we're supposed to think news just hasn't has time to spread yet. Because of what was said about there being "no word" of Jamie. But I find that hard to believe. It's like Baby Sam — the passing of time at different speeds in different spaces can be explained away on paper but it's getting

I was watching an interview with Judge where he said that Christopher Evan Welch had the "tech accent" down to a t, and he said what he meant by that "accent" was someone talking like "This is how people talk. I'm talking like people talk." I think the woman playing Laurie is doing the exact same thing. I can

I'm having a bit of trouble with the passing of time and the dissemination of news among the different storylines this season. It's hard for me to believe that, preoccupied as they all are, no one anywhere in Westeros or Essos gives a damn about what's going on in King's Landing. If this is a quasi-medieval world

Joffrey was the extreme that a spoiled brat could go to. Anyone who refused to indulge him — Tywin, Tyrion — could pretty much get the upper hand of him. Ramsay is a psychopath who seems to have built up a delusional idea of what House Bolton is in his mind over the years. He is hard to rein in because he hears things

I was just worried about Tormund.

I wasn't too bothered by it but I didn't really like it either. I have liked how GoT hasn't felt the need to tell its viewers little stories like that to get them to feel the right things. I thought it was a little patronizing.

I thought it was more like the ones locked "in" because they seemed to be where the houses were, while "our" people were on the outside on the beach.

Any big threat can seem like an allegory for climate change. Climate change is kind of allegorical in and of itself (not saying it isn't real).