
You sound like a person from a sitcom pretending to be smart. 

This article got the greys’ panties in a bunch. Every day they double down on why white people are so entitled and shitty.

Um. You are mixing a bunch of disconnected things together. Literally no one and nothing in the article is arguing to just let failing kids into college. What you quote is simply about the act of stepping back and considering what influences sat scores, not any kind of action. 

He quoted a bunch of lines that did not include the word “all” and then threw the “all” in himself and THEN got big mad. God, how are these people so absolutely stupid.

Lol. Way to lack any comprehension. 

Ah... Poor little butt hurt racist. I bet you also have to chant not all men when women accuse guys of rape. Just a hint, if those things bother you it's because you know they are true about you. 

White people are afraid of relinquishing power because they’re afraid that the other races would treat white people like white people treated them if given the opportunity.

For what, critical thinking and questioning everything his weird cult did and stood for? Probably not.

There’s a bigger world out there than just you. Maybe check it out sometime.

And yet none of you even know what it is. 

Um. God you are retarded 

So... You think examining racism in history which ya know happened is the same as racist stereotypes? 

Amusingly you hit the nail on the head, White people take it as an insult not a way to learn.

Only if the crime is done by white person will media mention the race of the criminal. This is done to purposefully cause friction in US society so that society heads towards collapse. This is the idea of ‘critical race theory’ & this idea is infecting large portion of US society

Lol... God you are stupid and pathetic. 


If the officer had believed things he could of called other officers instead of forming a mob. 

“If it had not been that way, there would not been slaves anywhere in America for Robert E. Lee or anybody else to have owned.”

At first the craziest thing out of all those letters was the guy’s laundry list of how he imagines a world without white people which followed a laundry list of things that already exist right up to “putting coffee in their sugar, putting eggs in their salt (before even tasting such eggs)“

Have you seen the other shit they posted? They are not only dumb as fuck but whiney and disingenuous.

I am white. I know a lot about racism because I grew up in the South and my dad was a KKK member.

But I hang out at The Root because I do not know enough.

So thank you.