
Ok... So what kind of images did the cops submit to gain membership and access the forum?

You just made a comment with the word "bar" in it. Are you surprised?

"So a tech blog editor walks into a bar..."

And it is up to the operator's reflexes if it will explode when the target is valid, or not.

So am I allowed to pay a visit to the developer's server with a bat, and make it cry as well?

Cop having a power trip. What's new. Those guys live for power trips.

This is for the people who drive with their feet, cause they have no arms, so they find it difficult to plug the charger to their battery. For whatever reason. So this would definitely sell to this special category of clients, plus the retards who buy it for convenience. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that kind of

Disappointed it stopped before the glorious explosion.

I've watched them. Never considered them classics though.

I don't know why but whenever i see the small thumbnail my brain goes "BOOBS! Oh no, its just hot dog buns..." And then I look at i again and it goes "BOOBS! Oh no, its just hot dog buns..."

Looks like somebody photoshoped an iphone over Samsung Eternity frame.


That's ok. Saving money for one more month, will make me feel less guilty when I buy it.

Somebody's got a case of the Mondays ;)...

Just to mess up with your brains a little bit, I don't own a single Star Wars movie. There I said it.

Maybe the so called husband should also program a robot to take over the husband duties (and I mean all of them) when he is gone away on business trips. Retards.

Its interesting how the lack of atmosphere makes it hard for the regolith dust to form a cloud as it would otherwise happen on earth. It has no air molecules to interact with, slow down and hover. Even at 0.156Gs it still falls pretty fast back to the ground, making it look very "unnatural", compared to the slow

Maybe the military and special organizations should have private internets if they want to stay more secure.

Maybe we should transplant some brain tissue into penises. That might fool some people into actually thinking more than just about sex.

I wonder if people with erectile dysfunction still get morning wood. That would be the most natural way to get it on.