
Way over-directed. What's next? Tie a loose tooth to a model rocket?

This needs a lot of space to move around. Pretty much the thickness of the battery x the whole area of the phone. Not gonna happen on devices that strive to stay small.

Its probably the anthropomorphic expressions that don't apply to a gadget like this. Life is one thing, functionality of a gadget is something entirely different.


You call that survival? Its not like he can use it in that condition.

It would be cool to see a video of a fish eating a fish eating a fish.

This takes space equal to 4 porta potties. Same space, plus design, minus privacy. So what's the point?

This could do well on a Viagra commercial.

Now playing

Honestly, he had me by singing "Blueberry Hill"

Looks like a plush toy to me. I wanna squeeze it.

Aaahhh.. Humans. We will do everything to get back to that very first feeling of bathing in warm amniotic fluid. We'll just never grow out of it...

"iPads for everyone"? Really?

Its ok. It will eventually be made in China.

I definitely want to share my personal information on a site made by hackers.

Its too late for me. I'm married.

I dream the day that we will be able to take off from our back yard and land on the moon whenever we please. But I'm afraid we were born too early for that era. It could happen though a hundred years from now.

Now playing

I prefer monkeys. They know how to have fun with their musical instruments.

So is he into organized fake religion now?

That suit always reminded me of toilet bowls for some reason. I don't know why.

Seems like WW2 ended but the experiments never did.