
He could make a fortune foretelling when the nursing home residents are going to die. His accuracy would improve to within the span of a decade or less! I foresee a great career for him.

I'm only stating a problem that has already occurred with led traffic lights in use.[] I understand the energy consumption concern, maybe a heating element can be placed on the LED lights to melt the snow, although Steeb2er mentioned earlier that they tilted the lights down, to prevent snow ice or

They forgot the simple fact that the old traffic lights emit enough heat to melt any snow that may cover them, therefore making them more practical than pholed or any other exotic LED technology.

That gives you just enough time to figure out the math.

That is so inaccurate. Leonardo will always (to the end of time) look like a boy.

Hey, at least he didn't ask people to bring the computer to a steaming bathtub cause the camera sensor needed cleaning.

Bacon flavored soda in a foam spray can? Now that's genius.

I'm still (for the most part) using my first handle for 14 years now. Which means I'm not embarrassed by it at all. No I'm not telling what it is.

Movie coming next. Michael Bay is directing.

But maybe it is a virus that is supposed to look like a fake virus so that everybody says "meeh that's not a virus". BTW I can't make myself pronounce "Lulz" without sounding like Inspector Clouseau. Those guys must be French.

They will have poop DNA analyzer job openings I'm sure. It's a biologist's dream come true.

Ok so did they expect the building to collapse magically towards the opposite side than the one they were breaking the support beams? Seriously WTF.

I think he spend so much time in the lab, he forgot what woman parts look like.

Funny. There is a huge Windows Phone banner on the front page. I guess you don't work that much for your sponsors. Good job!

I haven't watched "The Social Network". But seeing so many supporters here, I guess I misjudged his character. Who am I to judge him anyway. I'm just a dumb fuck facebook user. []

So what. He is still an asshole.

We are winning? Winning what?

Newsflash for you: We, the human species, feeling so proud and jolly for "annihilating" another evil Disease, are ourselves, the biggest disease of the planet. And no I'm not a tree hugger saying this. Just trying to put the record straight.

Sure, but at least the world has a dense atmosphere to protect it from most random space rocks. ISS has nothing other than hope that this won't happen.

Unfortunately that is the closest to force-field we have right now []