
What's your point with Reddit? Apparently you've been there more than I have.

I don't understand this. They showed us they can start a war (on Iraq)based on lies, and get away with zero accountability. What is stopping them at doing the same with Iran? Just make up some shit, its not like the winner of a war will ever go on trial for war crimes. The winner is always right.

Just one more guy that figured how to get free food Cable TV and shelter at some low security prison somewhere... With my tax money.

Just because its daytime it doesn't mean that he is necessarily texting. He might be even drunk, or very sleepy. In such situations I think its stupid to just record a video. STUPID. Just honk and flash your lights as much as you can to either wake the guy up or make him stop and move to the side.

But she tried to grow her eyeballs so much just so that nobody notices her nose! Too bad it didn't work.

I wonder if a proprietary OS would be invulnerable to hackers if they actually had no way of accessing its code to find any backdoors. If everything was proprietary then hacking in would be like trying to hack into an alien computer. Which worked of course for ID4 that is why I lol hard every time I watch that movie.

Looks like a UFO.... OMG WE ARE INSIDE A UFO!

This is not everlasting. You want everlasting, try a burger from McDonalds, or a Hard Tack. That stuff is no more perishable than plastic.

"Dave Pell is an internet addict, early adopter, and insider. He has even been known to tweet." He should have tweeted this. I'd definitely read it. At least the last tweet... Maybe.

That was the second reason I didn't read it.

I didn't read. It was too long.

When it comes to alternative timelines, leave it to the LOST writers to make things right(fully complicated).

Sounds like those infomercial deals. Call in the nest 5 minutes and you will receive a 100 apple logo stickers for free (with a purchase of $1,200 or more)! What a deal!

So what brand was the freezer?

How about that he made it himself out of cheap parts. Its the creative invention process that matters in this case. Personally I'd love to get into doing Arduino based projects. If only I find the time.

That's an amazing technology for the early 60s. Now we have the Big Dog robot which is autonomous but if you think about it, its not much of an advancement when it comes to carrying loads on rough terrain. Both vehicles could deliver.

I resist clicking on a video that has a Japanese pooping in a trash bag. Especially with a grin on his face.

Yeah, I think pretty much everyone has been beating the dead horse for a while on this thread. I should have read about black hole evaporation before I posted in the first place.

"Join the club kid! First rule of Magneto Club is: Don't ever wash. "

If that doesn't pan out as a career, he can always do some light saber dancing on youtube.