
That dodo bird was intimidating. I would have one bounced it too.

COUGH btjunkie COUGH! I have a cold today.

Now playing

Poor lonely Electron! I devote this song to you.

But Apple never promised to "Do No Evil". That's only Googles moto as far as I know.

"That's funny"

I understand there is no other way to show 3D in a 2D Ad, but yes, showing objects going beyond the screen frame is so inaccurate it bothers me every time.

"In Soviet Russia..." no wait that's Florida.

Yes but will they give me back the fee I paid for the glorious 3-D experience? Seriously doubt it.

Well... There is always the solution of buying a touch screen netbook or something. Boom! Magical.

I think they should just stand against each other and do a "fuck you" marathon, like:

He forgot to get a vacuum to suck the bills out.

I stand corrected. I don't know the specifics of that hobby yet.

I have a possible solution for them. Keep the movie on, just have a program that automatically stops it whenever there is anything demanding attention, like a transmission or an airplane approach.

It's hard to play mannequin on the beach. Maybe that guy had both love for mannequin dress up and feet. People can be that weird.

Let me know if the groom gets cold feet and starts running away. That would be worth watching.

Have you ever heard of foot fetish?

Imagine if the iPad magnetic cover doubled as a foldable keyboard. That would be awesome. You know... I regret it 1000 times a day that I'm not an electronics engineer.