
He probably haven't heard of a wheel before. Must have been in the cave for long long time.

Wow what a big mystery! Could it be because there are no friggin commercials every 5 minutes when you use a tablet? Maybe???

Neon lights? Really?

Someone like #7?

This only means that the zombie apocalypse is near.

Its little compared to the lifetime opportunity that this kind of job is. Some people take their chances. Would you say "no" if nasa gave such a job to you tomorrow?

So what you are saying is that you'd rather have a potentially full life on the ground rather than risk a little bit and have the opportunity only 1/100,000,000 people have to become an astronaut?

Lev Andropov will have to disagree with you on that one.

They can look into birds bone structure for that. I bet its more durable for its weight than chocolate

Wait until the Aliens come. Wait and see if they (robots)are going to rise to our help after all the horrid things we do to them. I seriously doubt it.

Darn it Nibiru!

Skynet keeps the high res data for later use. Soon terminators that look like us will be taking over. Until then, play with your cheap little plastic figurines you puny humans.

I don't know... Their dance is kinda robotic.

Yes, Its made from pork, not pigs.

Now playing

Who needs bacon cologne. Eat this and you will be smelling like bacon for the rest of your life.

"Disclaimer: Several people were harmed to create this artwork."

Why is it that its always the mice that get the cool stuff first huh?

No really. It would take them about a minute to isolate a peaceful period in history. They aren't that many. And plus, that's an interesting statistic too.

I welcome your counter suggestion

I imagine he was looking something like that.