
"This movie was edited on a Mac."

I have the same problem with people's names. I have a 3 second memory for new peoples names. Not only that, but I also forget names from people I know, when I don't see them over several years. Its very embarrassing.

Must be a glitch in their code. Twice I opened it and the x didn't show up. I even run my mouse all around and it didn't hit on a button.

Not my idea. [] Although I think your wikipedia article is very informative indeed.

Please someone tell me that there is a problem with my browser cause that pop up player doesn't have a close button.

Nah. Just cut the budget, fire all the teachers and give them students more computers with lots of tutorials and internet. They'll learn everything from Wikipedia.

He was that close to get the Darwin award. I mean THAT close.

Now made with 100% Banana.

Somebody tried hard to make the music different from Flashdance "What a Feeling". But apparently not hard enough.

@LordNige: Just add some mud makeup to the mix. Works for Predators!

Darn, I was hopping for the same mishap this year.

For a tribe that never contacted any other civilization, they make pretty nice knives.

Just make it an official fried turkey day. No special frame throwers needed.

Witnessing a nerd in the making. Brings me to tears.

rawunadulteratedlumberjacking dragonpoweredstopmotion hardcoremetalawesomesauce? That is the longest name for a sauce I've ever heard.

@alfaholic: You still can. Just put it underneath.

This is ideal for shooting those rare double rainbows in the sky while keeping your manhood intact.

As far as weirdness goes, I'd post that Indian Pole Gymnastics sport but I don't want to ruin your morning.