
So in order to invent time travel through quantum entanglement, we have to time travel first to test it out. Or.. just wait a few minutes?

How much did we spend on those border walls again?

Its a little weird for my taste but sure.

Since we started this, I recommend Angry Birds for the infantry training.

Is that a secret agent? Don't tell me don't tell me, I'll figure it out on my own.

@JDickson87: No really, I didn't even read the article description or checked the sign details. Just the vague shape of an airplane on a truck in the middle of a busy city street, screamed Russia to me.

Why did I know this was in Russia before I even clicked on the article?

@Helvetica: Just wanted to give you thumbs up for the font detail. Good job.

@iconeater: Funny part is, he wears exactly the same colors.

It doubles as a butt scanner I bet.

@slyman928: Agreed. Never liked frozen pizza. Tastes like frozen pizza to me.

Old people can't even turn over their shoulder to look back. How they are allowed to drive is beyond my understanding.

Here is a solution for you. Buy the meat, cook it at home. Problem solved.

Unless Steve Jobs is flying with it of course. Then it will boom.

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This system is the only one I've seen so far to get close enough to holographic video. Keep the name "Paul Debevec" in mind for future reference. The guy is a genius.