stupid_mcgee: uber pyro>zerg rush

@ghost4: Many Jews consider Jewish to be their race.

@MonkeyChunks: Actually, The UAE is pretty lenient. Dubai, namely, couldn't care less about one's religion. Yes, they are a Muslim nation, but they're not strict about it like Iran or like Uganda is with Christianity.

@crazeeseal: Yeah, I was gonna say that I've seen Dr. Pepper in conjunction with competitive gaming and in-game advertising before. At least, I think I have...

@minmsjohn: Yeah, really. I mean, all that port forwarding and networking issues that come up when setting VCRs... it's a total pain in the ass!

@Desmondia: Really? You're going to compare setting up a PS3 as a media sharing hub, hooked into a 7.1 surround sound system and a drop-down projector to the same thing as plugging in a coffee maker?

@Krello: Very true. It's a good service if you need it. Thing is, for everyone here bitching about how "a bunch of dumb people who on't know shit" about video games consoles, TVs, stereos, networking, etc., there's probably a bunch of things they could get called out on. Not everyone wants to learn basic networking or

So why'd he do it, then just walk away? Turns out there's a Robin Hood streak in the man, as his pimped-out ship will be going to someone who "worked hard to make EVE a great game, and my riches are going to be a salary for them that is long overdue".

McWhertor, you really need to warn people of how evil Community Coordinator, Chris Priestly, truly is. That smiley is there for a reason.

@uncle_paul: Yep, that's the reason. You can either accept it or continue on that it's some kind of conspiracy by EA to force BioWare to bilk people. To say that you are "paying for patches" is disingenuous and an outright fabrication. Either buy it or don't. No one really gives a shit.

@dumanue: On the Dragon Age addons page it says,

@jedi420: I'd say give it a while. It seems like the current DLC lineup is lore fluff and bonus item stuff right now. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they start rolling out DLC with significant content and playtime around this time next year. I would think they probably haven't been able to do much in the way of

@uncle_paul: Actually, the point of the DLC is to provide fans with a bit of extra content and things to do to keep the game fresh in users' minds while BioWare works on the sequel. Considering it will likely take 2 or so years to do, DLC is a great way to keep people's interest constantly peaked.

@Mundus: They do. The toolset gives you, essentially, everything you would need to completely recreate the entire game. That is, if one were so inclined. Same thing with Neverwinter Nights and NWN2.

@aang001: I seriously doubt that, especially given that the PS3 version isn't even slated to be released on the 5th, but "later in January." The other DLCs, The Stone Prisoner and Warden's Keep, have been available since launch, but not Return To Ostagar.

@Ajh: If he hated NWN, I doubt DDO is going to make a better impression. I loved NWN, but I can't stand DDO. It's like someone thought D&D would make a good system for a Diablo-type MMO, and it simply doesn't. At least, IMO.

@Paul_Is_Drunk: Numerous developers have commented on the BioWare forums that they are very "dissatisfied" with D&D's 4E ruleset. A number of them state that, as the rules and game mechanics stand for 4E, that many of them have no desire to try and make them into a video game format. And this doesn't even begin to

The sheer number of people who completely seem to miss Moore's point is rather disturbing.

@Doomgape: Yeah! What an asshole to think that people should be equal! What kind of jerk thinks women shouldn't be subjugated by their male masters!? What a fatty fat-face!

@Rbastid: I think his mentality is more "why spend $100+ on a plastic figure that will only make you happy now when you could spend less and spend time with family and friends, which the joy and happiness will last much longer and be far more rewarding."

@KingFrog: Scrubs can't play any class well, even soldier. IMO, soldier requires a lot more finesse than the Demo. (and I'm a huge fan of demoman) With a Demo you can just 'nade spam and be fine. If you're smart, you'll lead stickies and booby trap areas, but most people are perfectly content with lob spam.