stupid_mcgee: uber pyro>zerg rush

@brandizzle: I dunno. Dragon Age seems very well suited to the PC user. I think there's a lot of developers and publishers that do pay attention to PC gamers. Unfortunately, Activision and Infinity Ward don't seem to be one of them. #callofdutymodernwarfare2

@Befitzero: People don't pirate games because they want to piss someone off. They pirate games so they can play them without paying for it. Spore would have been one of the most pirated games regardless of DRM, just like Sims 2 and Sims 3 are widely and hugely pirated. #callofdutymodernwarfare2

"Hi, guys! I'm Infinity Ward (partnered with Activision) and we'd like to tell you about our new game! It's a continuation of our newly acclaimed and highly regarded Modern Warfare series! In our sequel we plan to do away with dedicated servers, thus neutering the PC community. Furthermore, we plan to scale back the

As Totilo mentioned previously, the PC version of Dragon Age allows players to scroll backwards into an overhead, Baldur's Gate-like camera, presenting a much more tactical view of the map you are on, as well as adding a bit of extra familiarity for the PC gamer crowd. I haven't used it much, but I do appreciate the

@Syril: Yeah, and you know what? There's a bunch of other modes all with online. I wonder if that's some sort of lead indicator? SP is great for looking around on levels and trying out hiding spots, but if you're only playing SP, then you're missing out on 99% of the entire intent of the game. #left4dead2

@JayUnreal: Well, I have a friend with a PS3, two others with Wiis, and another friend lent me (for an extended time) his 360, so I now have current-gen console experience. Albeit rather limited experience...

@madcatz: Well, $20 is a lot better than $120, or the $240+ that some of my books have cost. (most expensive was $286) #talkamongstyourselves

@Komrade Kayce: I had a few friends who had to buy the books their professors wrote and then pimped onto the class. I dunno, I think that's total BS and a conflict of interest. The nice thing about most of my professors (and being within the art curriculum), is that you typically don't need a book. Most of my

@Project_J187: I really don't know why they can't make the bots throw grenades. In ET:QW the bots (on harder settings) are like Rain Man with their 'nade trajectory. It's freaky and quite annoying. I don't know why Valve can't do it.

@Naop: Or having a Jockey ride a teammate into the spit, then have a boomer bile up on someone, have a charger rush in, then throw in a smoker or a hunter and you have a grand ol' time.

@Syril: Wait... Are you playing with bots? Luckily, most human players tend to love the new melee weapons. Especially during the alarm sequence. :) #left4dead2

@John-irl: Many of the developers who make the games you (and I, as a console gamer) love, started out in the mod scene, or even just tinkering with games which allowed it.

@Passa: Cracked servers. Of course, since cracked servers aren't using anti-cheat measures, they're usually populated by aim-bots and various hackers. #battlefieldbadcompany2

@StarCommentator: Yeah... I'm sure Valve is incredibly desperate. What with the huge success of L4D, high pre-order sales of L4D2, the continued high-volume sales of TF2 and the Orange Box, and the crap-ton of wealth that games like Dragon Age and sales like CoD4's bring to Steam.

@Shidori: Well, the NWN2 engine was a stripped down and rebuilt Aurora Engine, which powered the first NWN. Unfortunately, I don't know that much about DA:O's engine, so I can't really say anything about it. #dragonageorigins

@Koztah: For The Emperor! For the Wolftime!