stupid_mcgee: uber pyro>zerg rush

@L_K_M: The big problem with electric cars is: what do you do with all those acid filled batteries that will quickly pile up? Electric is great in the short run, but when you look at mass use over a long period of time, you begin to see a lot of negatives.

@Jason Taylor: I don't understand why you're so upset. Many people do judge a game on whether it is bad or not. This is a case where the creator of the source material has certain, very vocal, and polarizing views regarding an immensely passionate matter.

@Zer033: Ender's Game is a great book. Numerous prestigious awards agree.

I used to play this during Quake 1 deathmatches. What A Wonderful World is a great song for any online FPS. The melody and the lyrics are just so ironic for the mayhem. Pure delight. Perhaps an "afternoon delight"?

@ch0mpchomp: "Will it bring anything new to the mmo genre that we haven't already seen?"

@Janxer: Nonsense. PLaying Guild Wars today is very different than it was when Prophecies was first released. Even the improvements since EotN there have been noticeable changes and improvements. ANet has really sold me on how hard they work to support their game.

@Slagathorian: Even so, it doesn't mean ES:V will be an MMO. Do you have any idea how long those things take to make? Most likely Bethesda will continue with ES:V while ZeniMax builds up its ZeniMax Online studio and builds an MMO based on the ES series.

@Janxer: True. If the American economy hadn't downed, the PS3 would be a very strong contender. I love MGS and drool over the prospect of GT5. Maybe I'll get one sometime, but not right now.

@SacGamer: You know what would be awesome for the consumer?

@Narishma: Quake Wars did a brilliant job of using a canned-voice communication system. Requesting health, radar, specific engineer drops, clearing mines, spotting enemy,etc. was very quick and easy. I use a mic nowadays, but for a long time the communication console was more than enough.

@-MasterDex-: Real life is the problem. No wonder T-Squared dropped out of high school.

@-MasterDex-: I've been waiting for more and more on Brink. I loved ET:QW (Splash Damage's previous online shooter title) and I think I'll like Brink a lot. I loved the objective system in Quake Wars and I can't wait to see how this dynamic and more robust concept of that will work.

@Jbourne37: I regularly mic in TF2 (pc). I have yet to have ant major problem. Same with L4D and Quake Wars. The only annoying thing the occasional people that think they are the General Pattons of video games.

@bkchurch: I dunno. Yes, you get those people (and other annoying types), but there's also tons of players that really just want to have a good time and play well.

@Gortexfogg: Yeah, the rush from getting a good team that actually communicates to each other is great. Whether it is TF2, L4D, Quake Wars, Guild Wars, etc. teamwork is the thing that keeps me coming back to these games. It's why they've outlasted my interest far more than any single player game can, even if that SP

@deanbmmv: Okay. I figured the lack of being on was the culprit.

@NoHoldsBarred: It was okay. That's it. The lack of proper camera control made it not worth my while. Which is a shame because I love RPGs and Final Fight-esque beat-em ups.

@NINTENDO_ZEALOT: TF2 is absolutely worth it. Hell, buy a copy for your friend while you're at it.