stupid_mcgee: uber pyro>zerg rush

@david78: Agreed 100%. This doesn't help anyone. It doesn't really push sales. All it does is foment resentment.

@Dragonzigg: The Tony Hawk franchise is well known and will still generate a certain level of faithful sales, but I doubt it would be worth sole exclusive rights. It will sell, and fairly well, I'm sure. But I don't think you're going to see Earth-shattering numbers like you did with Tony Hawk 1 and 2.

@Ashurahori: With such a popular title I seriously doubt it's a full exclusive. Most likely a timed exclusive. Personally, I think this kind of thing is stupid as hell. Instead of dividing the playerbase they should be uniting them. You want to really sell hardware? Let people be able to play with each other and

@Pornosaur: Youth story: Whenever I used to play Quake I deathmatch, I would always play Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World." It was such a surreal experience. Gibs raining all about with gunfire and rockets exploding all around you, and this very serene and sweet music playing in the backdrop. Quite a fun

@Refused: Yeah, asking some forum people is pretty crucial if you're new to building a PC. They'll help a lot. The Gamespot hardware forums tend to be no-drama and the folks are pretty knowledgeable. Some other forums can sometimes break into hardware nerd-offs, which can be kind of confusing and off-putting.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: True. My HD4850 was $130 and it runs many games (Bioshock, FC2, TF2, Quake Wars, etc) @ 1600x1200 on max settings.

@dgd1542: A good card. I had the cheaper Monster Fusion. Ran Quake II, Kingpin, Blood II, Heretic II all just fine and dandy.

@jookie: I agree. I recently upgraded from an X800 to an HD4850. My X800 lasted me quite well for a long time. The biggest thing for me was actually moving up from IDE to SATA.

@Kirbysuperstar: Man, those Voodoo cards were top of the line back in the day.

@Clushje: The days of the Monster Fusion 3D. Those were some good times spent playing Kingpin and Heretic II.

@Gortexfogg: Each character, from a gameplay perspective, is merely a class with different skill sets. Yet they all have such vibrant and instantly distinguished personalities. It really makes each class shine and feel unique, even if there are 7 of them running about on the field.

@Boom-Chicka-Ah: It's called Taxi Driver. Watch it. Know it. Love it.

@MSUHitman: The Masthead was also posted in 2001, before the site even launched.

@JGab: I'm looking forward to PAX in Boston.

@RicoTheSaboteur: 67, blue, Paraguay, and Michelin Tire Man. Thanks for playing!

@MildlyAmused: Sam B is a girl. She's on The Daily Show. Pretty funny, too.

@moehannes: When I did the trial every single NA server was low population. The only ones that were medium or high pop were Oceanic. Whatever, though, I thought the game sucked anyways.