
michelle mouton was a woman with balls....

COTW!!!! well done!

i was going to make a joke about they identified the remains because they found a little hot wheels car near the pelvis... that will be too soon to make a joke....


from morning shift..... to morning wood.

campaign "adopt a homeless supercar in india"

for the price of a few beers you can still have more fun!!!



the 930 is a special magic monster...

this is a notable WTF moment!

fuchs in every combination... (except chrome)

oh yes...

money can´t buy good taste..

Now playing

i will buy it just if this guy sells it to me...

that´s why my riskiest sport is couch surfing...

easy solution: put a dog inside your car...

lincoln continental 1965... nothing says "move over poor person" that this grille