Toni & Guy have a decent one. I’ll use straight arrowroot powder in the salon favored with an essential oil for aroma.
Toni & Guy have a decent one. I’ll use straight arrowroot powder in the salon favored with an essential oil for aroma.
Please. Those aren’t today’s heels.
Come to me, BoobsMcgee. The mysteries unfold with blow drying lotion, light aerosol spray (N.4) & a round metallic brush (Olivia Garden ( which I almost didn’t buy because of the restaurant)). I have braids the diameter of number 2 pencils— I feel your pain. Color works—GinAndTonic is dead on.
It’s our economic duty to leave shopping carts scattered around the lot. Job security for an entry level employee. Truth.
My kid (oldest girl child) was eating bugs for $$ during 3rd grade. Never say “my kid wouldn’t”.
I have a corgi and this is my ring. Are we related?
It’s 6 am, I’m waiting for a conference call. This is the only video I choose to watch. Your taste is interesting.
Pasties—gotta’ get stoned before rrrriiiippppingggg them off. Poor nips.
“.....while O’Clee showed up for the birth, he left immediately, saying his police escort was waiting outside. How messed up is that?’
He’s obviously premenstrual.
Who's down with OP(w)G?!
Ahhh— my ex husband went by "Jamans". A mix of his first and last on his hs football jersey. Shortens to "Jams" when he was feeling super cool. I'm glad we're divorced.
Keep your name. May your family album will be filled with success stories!
This should be buried in the greys because of the shame.....
You can book your appts anyway you like, given timely notice. We are here to accommodate you.
Timely article. OUTLANDER returns in 3 days!!!!!!!!!
Don't be this guy, Chester.
yeah—you just made me gag.
The more we know!
Denatured alcohol is the scary one for skincare. It destroys sebum glands over time. It's a popular ingredient in hand sanitizer/ degreasing soaps.