
Yeah, this was my take as well. I’m just having one of those days where I’m annoyed by writing that presents an argument without actually supporting it with evidence. It just seems to take for granted that this is the truth, and to me it doesn’t pass the smell test at all. Like, are we seeing an epidemic of laundry

I’m assuming that people are doing laundry with laundry detergent. The concern should be minimal based on that assumption.

Oh come on. I’ve somehow managed to survive into my late ‘60s without contracting any dread skin diseases, and I only wash my towels and washcloths every few weeks. I also put them in with all my other laundry. I use hot water because we have very hard and cold well water here, but would not do so if my water was

Wow not only is is a slideshow, it’s a trash slideshow.

This is a tad tiresome, but I do get your point. They are not homophobic. At least not the one near my home as the franchise owner is an out homosexual, and has lgbtq workers there.

yeah, you can let those sit for a week before you have them!

Yeah, the point of this is still dumb. "Let's show them by giving them money a day before we eat!"

Nah, 100k is a real mental “I made it” amount of money for a lot of folks — consider that the national median income is $36k (based on the first google result I just looked at). No one read this article and thought “they’re probably making a list of $900,000 jobs.” 

That’s the best kind of prank really.  Nothing gets destroyed, no one is humiliated, no one has their day ruined.  Just a bunch of gnomes gentrifying your hedge.

“your weight can also go up or down a few pounds throughout the week due to factors that have nothing to do with gaining or losing mass.”

Again, why weren’t we freaking out over the flu in the past to the same extreme of Corona now and imposing extreme restrictions even during cases like SARs/Swine Flu

That wasn’t the logic the CDC actually employed, despite the fact that a lot of morons on social media parroted it.

Unorganized religions don’t do as well. Nobody can find the sarcred objects, or they left them at home. 

Would have been funnier if Steve-O got his hands on a multi-barreled t-shirt cannon, filled only one of the barrels with dogshit, and all the Jackass guys had to take turns playing dogshit Russian roulette.

I don’t know about weight, but you put a Manhattan on the bar and I’ll drink the hell out of it.

You’re right. I forgot how little privilege professional athletes have in today’s society.

No, I tend to agree with the OP you are responding to. Shit gets said in the heat of the moment. That isn’t even close to the stuff that is said of the male players. Who cares if he exaggerated her weight. Imagine if Shaquille O’neal took to a press conference every time someone exaggerated his weight.

now if had been about ellipses...

Let’s tackle people spelling “lose” as “loose” first.