
Yeah, totally. Also vaccines don't work.

“Short, and to the left.”

Black marbles erratic behavior on the course is indicative that he doesn’t know his father.

Sleeper pick for MVP: The guy who controls the pyro/streamers. Shoot first and ask questions later. They added a whole new level to how awesome the ending was.

What if.. Floyd is staging this bullshit. Literally, creating this monster that only Floyd can stop for his 50th. I mean, can’t get any better than beating the shit out of your younger self with everyone cheering you on. Floyd has a deep down desire to be loved. I cannot believe I am saying this but.. Floyd, that is

Should probably change the photo.

Some players have gone on the record to say his son was a welcome presence. None have gone on the record and put their own name to it to say he was a problem. It’s hard to judge if it really was a big problem inside the clubhouse if no one is willing to step out. Was it 1 or 2 players? 5? 10? who knows?

These players are great and I hope they get sucked off tonight like they should.

I must reply this video. I am not from USA or big college basketball fan but you all know I am big regular basketball fan. I want to give my regards to the Northern Iowa on a great team. May you gentleman gain the strength to carry on to more victories. In particular I hope you gentleman get pleasures tonight from the

You have the best words.

If glycemic index is the issue here, this means potatoes are out too. Unlike some of you, I don’t give a crap about bagels. But potatoes??? Potatoes.

At some point you really just have to sit back and appreciate how amazing and also terrifying technology is right now. This is something that no one else should’ve ever seen unless you were there, and now we essentially get the full play by play from a multitude of angles, in some ridiculously quality video.

Who the fuck cares? Did you have Waseca -2.5?

There’s always one “you babies weren’t old enough for Jordan in his prime” post.

So is that. Don’t be an asshole when someone comments on your dumb article. Or better yet, serve a necessary purpose and report facts without an opinion and bias. Of course it is my fault for giving you the page view in the first place, let alone commenting myself. No one should care about my opinion either.

“It only takes a small tweak to rid the game of intentional fouling”

I recall someone (on this site I a Funbag letter perhaps?) arguing for a format where the coaches/captains come out to midfield and make increasing bids on where their offense could start from and score. “We’ll score from your 20"... “We’ll score from your 30"... “We’ll score from the 40"... “Ok, score on

That shovel pass...Looks like Arians watched “The Four Falls of Buffalo” a couple weeks ago...

I put in 4 years of NCAA football myself, sat through all the anti-targeting presentations and I don’t see the targeting here.