
Am I the only person that can’t stand the GOAT of all time nonsense. Who gives a shit! Jordan hasn’t been in the league for a decade, what’s the point of comparing them? They play different positions and in different eras. Is there some grand prize awarded to the GOAT?

Christ be with my balls

Jesus licks balls

Thanks for your input General

He was biding his time, getting them right where he wants them.

I would bet none of those guys you listed are on the team in 2 years, but I'm in no way arguing they will be a good team in 2 years.

Your “credibility” argument is bullshit.

Or people who like pissing you off by telling you they will never vote for Hillary. I’m obviously going to vote for Hillary but I tell anyone who asks that I’m not voting because fuck asshats like you who think Bernie supporters owe some debt of gratitude to the Democratic Party and Hillary. Hillary, Bernie, Trump,

If the shoe fits

so Donald trump has credibility in the eyes of the general public? Give me a break with that shit

His attacks on Hillary failed because she knows she doesn’t have to release or say anything of consequence to be the nominee because followers like you will blindly throw their support behind her. Congrats

This is America, you get the fuck out

I hear ya, I would request in my will that my ashes be scattered on the hole I aced.

My signature is a big ass C with a bunch of connected squiggles and and a big ass H with a bunch of connected squiggles. It’s illegible but consistent.

Learning to write in cursive is a waste of time. The last time I wrote in cursive was when I was learning to write in cursive.

Didn’t say it would, but I wouldn’t blame him if it did. He’s 22, Norman was 30 before he won his first major. Spieth is more talented than Norman, don’t think he’s gonna have a hard time winning many more majors.

Well, in his case it could help to remind him that he is human, whether that has any effect on his future is debatable. If he would have won today, that would have been 3 of the last 5 majors, including 2 green 22. Hard not to get a well deserved big head and let up a little.

Plumlee was the closet Blazer, and their were three players and a ref between him and Perkins

Thanks for the kind words

The Big 10 isn’t any better, Clemson is being held to a non-existent standard. Their schedule wasn’t that much easier than anyone else’s. And it is dumb to use rankings when they played, that’s like withholding information from yourself.