
And of course all the people agreeing with him have French flags on their profile. I bet they were the same that called them Freedom Fries after 9/11.

Well, you’re missing out. That’s pretty bigoted and snobbish of you. I’m sure your state has zero history of racism and never has public officials say embarrassing things. You’re clearly a more advanced human.

Agreed, agreed, agreed.

Please google a map of Texas districts and observe that it’s been gerrymandered to hell and back. People like Greg Abbott are WAY overrepresented here. When you say stupid shit like that, all you’re doing is alienating progressive Texans who are actually trying to change things. There are a lot of us.

Excuse me, but how much do you know about Alabama?

So all residents of Massachusetts are shitty? Get your head out of your ass. Texas and Alabama have far more diversity of opinion than you think they do, and I’m sorry that you’re a bigot in ways you believe are acceptable. They aren’t.

From a strictly realistic perspective, I don’t think this is legal? These governors could refuse to use state resources or programs to aid immigrants, but immigration law is a federal prerogative, and Alabama or Massachusetts can’t just declare that they won’t let certain (any) legally qualified immigrants into the


No, not “although........”

Their argument also missed that the majority of the terrorists were EU citizens, not refugees. We'd be safer closing our borders to European tourists.

One Syrian among hundreds of thousands MIGHT have been involved in the attack?

Hey, so our states’ politicians are being shitty. That doesn’t mean our entire state is shitty. Don’t be a dick.

I thought accepting refugees and immigration was a federal thing? Can they even do this at all? I’m confused. And people are awful.

Alone time is THE BEST. As an introvert, there’s nothing as rejeuvenating than being left the hell alone for a while.

leave social media.

I’m taking a few days off in a couple weeks and all I’m going t do is sew. I’m sew excited for it!

I’d rather be able to read Jane Austen for free and ignore the derivative shit than having to pay to read an author who’s been dead for 250 years so someone who did nothing for the creation of her works could profit.

I’m a writer and you can take this to the bank, that it will be written in my will that anything that has my name on it will go into the public domain the minute I die. Because there is something abhorrent to me about any entity - be it heirs or foundations or universities - that reap a generation’s worth of profits

I believe her. I’m friends with a former child star and dating for her has sucked her whole life. She is married now but dudes were intimidated by her. For a long time she could not get a date if she were a boat and the dating pool was water.

Yes. That’s exactly what just happened here.