
*If the explorer is black, gray, or blue

That’s fine. Everyone makes their own decision to the level of risk they’d take on. That’s why you went into motorcycles.

I’d be surprised if most cruisers/muscle bikes ever get to 45 degrees.

Because mototires are made to make money, and maximized for performance and handling.


Think about what you’re comparing it too...

Agreed- that’s a weak spot.

Sport touring do not get 60k+ miles out of a tire- which you would with this. Best I’ve gotten are around 20k

But did you vote NP?

Same. This thing has been flogged within an inch of it’s life.




If I had a cruiser I’d consider it. I’m too aggressive on my bike to consider it safe enough.

I see you point, but- I dunno man, there’s all types out there.

Agreed- but it depends on the type of riding.

Tread life/grip.

Damn, there is an application for them.

Yes. Yes it would.

I think the issue is the primary benefit of a motorcycle is grip while leaning (for increased cornering speed)