Stryker Trailwood

i just finished replaying this, i’m glad we got this one originally. We got 7 and loved it, borrowed 8 and didn’t get into it at all, took a chance on 9 anyway and so glad we did.

Now playing

excuse me, but IMO, Black Mage Village would like to have a word.

apparently, with this agreement they voted on, facebook is still allowed to continue doing what they were doing with all the info gathering and sharing with third parties, they pay the fine and admitted guilt, but don’t have to change or stop.

Rich Energy:

we usually have just left it on the curb, it’s usually gone by the end of the day.


what do the numbers on the player characters wordplay into? (unless i’m remembering their gym kits wrong)

Jacob, Zendaya, and Tom are just delightful in that video, regardless of whatever the deal is with Gwyneth’s memory.

does Lincoln cover damage from other vehicles caught in its gravity well.

old guy i know once said against climate change; “the earth was here thousands of years before us, it isn’t going anywhere”

they have repaired the bridge before, it’s explained on their site, they can’t raise the bridge because several miles or more of track on either side would then also need to be re-graded.

true, it’s really the top gearing, 100 is generally not a taxing speed when you’ve got 3+ gears to go through and they are meant to go highway speeds efficiently.

lol. maybe there is a ratio to the accuracy of what is being portrayed....

isn’t 12 the translation from a similar german(?) word that is the car company?

well, i know what I’m gonna be wasting time on today. Thank you.

I welcome our new mid-engine corvette overlords.

I bought my car new, it’ll be 14yrs old in august and if i have to replace it, it’ll be like losing a beloved pet.

dude, i had no idea either!

Isn’t that going to be the new Disney+ show, WandaVision

Yes, but how long til we get the Rogue Cut.