Stryker Trailwood

fridge? mouth? bag of holding? who knows!?

I’m extremely bothered by guy standing on the roof of the GT in the youtube video thumbnail pic.

Deeply Offending Vestigial Nipples

but, the reasons the VW Bus was counter-culture are wildly different from the reasons the Model Y could be/is counter-culture...

this commercial bothers me cause the “police” say there is no reason to panic, but if it was real there would be reason to panic as all those people could suffocate with the tunnel filling with helium like that

That lede photo is excellent.

OR: cypher is about to make Geneva cars go HAM. someone call Vin Diesel and The Rock

why isn’t the hand sensor that is supposedly on the steering wheels set to only work if both hands are at 10/2 or 9/3? sound some klaxons if not,

I don’t think there is anything to really play out either, but based on some comments in this story on how it’s seen as control over their freedom to speed, regardless of the fact that this is nothing really new at all and the only difference is that it’s advertised as a safety feature.  

i wonder how this is going to play out, because it’s not something that is really brought up at all, people just assume that the car can go 160 because the dial on the dash goes up that far, but rarely is that close to true, and it isn’t for some nefarious purpose.

honestly, i though that was one of the union fighters/shuttles flying through the orville (or other orville type ship), i didn’t see a third engine hoop and that was what my scale has been, since only orville and bigger have three or more of em.

There was a throwaway line from one of the Kaylons that they were enhancing the Orville’s shields, but later Talla commented how they were going right through them, so *shrug*.

doubt this is a popular opinion, but the 458 is my first most beautiful Ferrari.

the differences are minor but important.

wasn’t it mentioned at the unveiling that the filled in panel on the passenger side grille duct was removable and was just more plastic behind it?

i read the whole series as they were first released starting in elementary school.

oh my various gods

What it is really, is that at one point in time, shorter service intervals were what was recommended and what you should follow. However, with advancements in ICE tech/quality, longer (10k even) service intervals have become normal, perfectly fine and should leave you with just as long an engine life.

truth. toyota will randomly offer dark green on some cars you would not expect, and usually only in really low run so they are hard to find.