two italy issues right off the bat, i’m glad that the times I get to go to italy, I get driven around to where i need to go, or just walk.
two italy issues right off the bat, i’m glad that the times I get to go to italy, I get driven around to where i need to go, or just walk.
when i saw the lede pic, i thought no way they put lights there... but they really did... eff off with that mess.
this, and the bible length description comments attached, screw that. I don’t visit to read fake descriptions of your #goodlife, i go to see edited and framed pictures of that #goodlife.
YES, these damn things! lol
really though, i think those knobs were a mechanical plot device on a star trek or star wars movie
came here because of the animorphs reference.
why not both?
i hate that paying off my debts, lowered the scored i’ve been seeing from my bank.
the krispy kreme joined at the hip on all of this power ranger stuff is a bit off putting,
years ago when i was in high school i called 911 on my cell because a speeding car ran a red light and t-boned the car right in front of me.
i’m curious now, i would have thought that the range would be calculated at maximum carrying weight... that seems the safer number to go with for all expectations in my mind.
people will believe anything if they are too stubborn or can’t handle the truth.
so she doesn’t want to work and is too ashamed to admit it.
i wonder if the radio issues may be leftover compromises from Scion’s death.
I know exactly what car that kid is driving backwards in.
in the case of our silverado, my dad had a lock on the handle, and a chain lock strung through the tailgate to lock in the ramps we had back there.
come on toyota, eff off with that hood stripe.
I... think i agree.